What is Trojan.fakealert?
Trojan.fakealert is a Trojan infection which can drastically change the performance of your computer. You will find various pop-up notifications, reports about fake errors, and other system impairments. The threat usually gets to the computer via corrupted websites, malicious links and other methods of social engineering. If you know that Trojan.fakealert is on your PC, it is likely that your security tool has detected it but is unable to delete it. In this case, you should use SpyHunter which will easily remove this cunning infection.
What does Trojan.fakealert do?
The term Trojan.fakealert can be used to refer to the threats which provide the user with false information. It can be used to talk about threats which attempt to intimidate the user by hiding files and folders; moreover, the term can also be used to refer to rogue anti-spyware programs. If your computer is infected with one of the variants of Trojan.fakealert, you may be restricted from accessing a particular website; you may also find a full-screen warning claiming that the system is infected or that a computer infection may damage the computer. Below you will some examples of how the fake alerts of the threat in question may look like:
Windows Security has found critical process activity on your PC and will perform fast scan of system files
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?
Your system is at risk of crash.. Press CANCEL to prevent it.
Press OK to continue, or Cancel to say on the current page.
If a rogue anti-spyware program is running within the system, you will see fake scan results showing different computer infections some of which may be known as real viruses. At this point, it is important to determine whether the program you have on the PC is legitimate or not. One of the factors which you should pay attention to is the installation of the program. If it has been installed without your consent, it is a sign that you should take some appropriate measures.
Generally, when Trojan.fakealert is running within the system, you may find a high CPU usage, which means that the speed of the computer would decrease. If in the Task Manager you find suspicious processes or discover that your Internet Explorer or the other browsers are tampered with, implement a reliable spyware removal tool to find out what intruder is damaging the system.
How to remove Trojan.fakealert?
Our Anti-Spyware-101.com team advises using SpyHunter due to its capability of spyware removal. Unlike anti-virus programs, this one will easily detect and remove the infection. Moreover, it will protect the computer against malware. In case you want to delete Trojan.fakealert manually, click the button below and download a scanner which will show the locations of the components of the threat so that you can remove it by yourself.
tested removal of Trojan.fakealert* 100% FREE spyware scan and