What is Tool:Win32/Hideproc.C?
If your personal Windows system has been infected with the Tool:Win32/Hideproc.C, it is highly important that you delete this obnoxious threat from your computer. The threat comes from a large group of Trojans, including Trojan:Win32/Hideproc.F and Trojan:Win32/Startpage.RM. These threats have been active for years and it is important that you do not let them attack your personal computer. The propagation of the devious threat can be preformed through various security vulnerabilities which are exposed in unprotected operating systems. Some of these security gaps include bundled downloads, social engineering scams and misleading advertisement. As soon as the infection is infiltrated onto the computer, you need to rush with its removal. Please continue reading to learn how to delete Tool:Win32/Hideproc.C from the PC.
How does Tool:Win32/Hideproc.C run?
The removal of the malicious infection is extremely important; however, this task is quite complicated as it requires you to delete a number of dangerous files related to the threat. Note that some of these malign elements, including cleaner7.exe and DCPPaid.exe, are rootkits and they can conceal the presence of the entire infection. You should also beware of the browser helper object SubsHelperBHO.dll which can spy on your virtual activities and a number of elements with misleading file-names, like PornoProtector.exe, xvid_setup1.2.2-win32.exe and updateuser.exe.
Even though all of these files may run without leaving a trace or causing symptoms, there are a few files which may corrupt your PC quite notably. One of them is setup.exe. Note that an authentic file with the same name exists under C:\Program Files, which is why you should be extremely cautious with its removal. The malign element can hijack system processes, disable Firewall, reconfigure the Windows Security Centre, remove access to Task Manager and Registry Editor and cause other disturbing dysfunctions. You also need to be careful with MsMxEng.exe because it has been discovered to hijack personal email accounts and flood your personal contacts with spam emails. If you have noticed this – rush with the necessary removal tasks.
How to remove Tool:Win32/Hideproc.C?
If you are not experienced with manual malware removal, this task could be too complex regarding your personal skills and knowledge. If you do not want to make any mistakes leading you to serious computer dysfunctions, experts at Anti-Spyware-101.com recommend that you delete Tool:Win32/Hideproc.C using automatic spyware detection and removal software. The authentic spyware remover SpyHunter is a great solution to the problems within your personal computer, and if you install it now, all malignant programs will be removed momentarily.
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