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Angleware Ransomware

Angleware Ransomware

Angleware Ransomware might become your next worst nightmare if this ransomware program finds a way into your computer. The application was created to encrypt your files and bully you into spending an insane amount of money on nothing.

It goes without saying that you should do everything you can to get rid of this infection. You can actually remove Angleware Ransomware manually although we do not recommend doing that if you are not an experienced computer user. It is actually a lot faster and more efficient to terminate the infection with a security tool of your choice because then you will not have to look for each malicious file yourself. Read more »

Btcware Ransomware

Btcware Ransomware

File-encrypting applications also known as ransomware programs are extremely active nowadays as lots of cyber crooks make illegal profits with their help. Our research has discovered a newly crafted program of this category that goes by the name of Btcware Ransomware. This malicious program is known to be roaming the web nowadays; therefore, being aware of it and keeping your PC secure is critical. If you happen to encounter it, make sure to avoid it at all times. We urge you to do so because it is fully capable of locking huge chunks of personal data without any warning or authorization. Such functionality of this malware could have disastrous outcomes, to put it lightly. Read our report and learn more about its functionality and how you can protect your computer from this or any similar program. If, unfortunately, you already have Btcware Ransomware active on your operating system, do not hesitate to use the detailed removal guide below to delete it once and for all. Read more »

Sadstory Ransomware

Sadstory Ransomware

If a CMD window warning that “the password entered is longer than 14 characters” is launched for you, this might indicate the entrance of Sadstory Ransomware because, as it is already known, this computer infection opens such a window after it enters the computer successfully and finishes encrypting users’ personal files. Make sure you select N on this window because it might be no longer possible to reach your account otherwise. Ransomware infections always cause problems if they enter computers, so it does not surprise us at all that Sadstory Ransomware acts this way. Actually, launching this window is definitely not the worst thing this malicious application does. We consider the encryption of files it performs a much more evil activity. It does not do that to make you angry or annoyed. Ransomware-type infections encrypt users’ files so that they could then demand money from users. Make sure you do not transfer a cent to cyber criminals. Better go to uninstall Sadstory Ransomware fully from your computer instead. Read more »

AnonFive Ransomware

A new trend to create ransomware on the basis of open-source projects has emerged. AnonFive Ransomware is one of the newest examples containing a code of Hidden-Tear, which calls itself educational ransomware. Although Hidden-Tear, originally, has no intention of causing problems to users, AnonFive Ransomware is completely the opposite. It immediately encrypts users’ personal data (e.g. documents, images, music, and video files) using the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption algorithm after infiltrating the computer successfully, thus making it impossible for users to access the files they need. Just like other ransomware infections do, e.g. LLTP Ransomware, Lick Ransomware, and BlackJockerCrypter Ransomware, it has been developed by cyber criminals who have only one intention – to extract money from users. Needless to say, the worst decision users can make is to send the required money to cyber criminals. AnonFive Ransomware is, without a doubt, worthy of removal, so go to take care of it instead of transferring your money to bad people. If you read the following articles of this paragraph too, you will find out what you need to do to erase this malicious application. Read more »

LLTP Ransomware

LLTP Ransomware

LLTP Ransomware is a dangerous computer infection that was first spotted on 21 March 2017. There is no question that this infection is worthy of removal because its job is to encrypt your personal files and then demand that you pay a ransom for the decryption key. Indeed, its developers are nothing more than cyber criminals who want to extract money from you. They can ask for up to 200 USD which might not be worth your files, so paying the ransom might not be economical in your case. Furthermore, there is no way of knowing whether you will receive the decryption key once you have paid. Read more »

Lick Ransomware

Lick Ransomware

Malware analysts at have recently tested a program called Lick Ransomware and found that it is a variation of the infamous Kirk Ransomware. Needless to say, you have to remove it because all it can do is encrypt your personal files and demand you purchase the decryption key from its developers. The key does not come cheap, and you are required to pay the ransom in the Monero cryptocurrency. For more information on this highly malicious program, we invite you to read this whole article. Read more »

BlackJockerCrypter Ransomware

BlackJockerCrypter Ransomware is a harmful application that uses a particular encryption algorithm to encipher your files and make them unrecognizable. As a result, the files become unusable as the computer can no longer open them. If BlackJockerCrypter Ransomware damaged your files, we urge you to carefully read the rest of the text and find out more about the infection. Since our researchers are advising to delete the malware as soon as possible, we will discuss not only the possible methods used to distribute it or the malicious application’s damage to your data but also its removal. For now, we would like you to know you can erase the infection either with a reliable security tool or manually. If you choose the second option, we suggest using the deletion instructions placed at the end of the text. Read more »

Kolobo Ransomware

Kolobo Ransomware

Kolobo Ransomware is a malicious computer infection that seems to attack you out of nowhere. The program targets users in a specific region, although it can reach its victims anywhere in the world. The program may be somewhat old, but it does not mean you can breathe a sigh of relief. Even old infections can do some harm, so if you happen to have this program on-board, you will do yourself a favor if you remove Kolobo Ransomware once and for all. Please note that removing ransomware programs is not enough to restore the damage they have caused. In some cases, you may also have to start anew. Read more »

CryptoDevil Ransomware

CryptoDevil Ransomware

Our malware researchers have received information about a ransomware-type program called CryptoDevil Ransomware. They got their hands on a sample and tested it. Their research has shown that it is a typical ransomware-type program that can encrypt your files, so you ought to remove it. Researchers have obtained a key that should decrypt your files, but it is not guaranteed to work because this ransomware can have several versions and is known to be frequently updated. To find out more about this particular ransomware, please read this whole article as it contains the most relevant information currently available. Read more »

Roshalock Ransomware

If your PC does not have an anti-malware program installed on it, then it can be vulnerable to the likes of Roshalock Ransomware, a highly malicious program that can put your personal files in file archives protected by a password and then demand that you pay money for it. Yes, this program wants to extract money from you, and you should not comply because there is no evidence that the people that created this program actually send the password. Therefore, we suggest that you remove this program instead of paying the ransom which can vary in amount. To find out more about this ransomware, we invite you to read this whole article. Read more »