If you have noticed changes in your browser’s default settings, it is a primary indication that a browser hijacker is up and running on your computer. Our malware researchers have noticed that one of the newest hijackers out there on the web is known as Spot-Search.com. If this is the case, you are strongly advised to take immediate measure to remove it since it is not an application you want to have on your PC. Because we have found out that the majority of users that have infected their operating system with this hijacker due to the lack of basic knowledge regarding virtual security we will provide some essential tips on how to boost your virtual security. Furthermore, we will discuss the functionality of this malicious application while providing a detailed removal guide crafted in a way that even users with not advanced computer knowledge could remove Spot-Search.com in a quick and easy way. Read more »
Browser hijackers - Page 108 category archyve:
If your browser launches with QQovd.com as the default home page, it is possible that you are the victim of a browser hijacker. This is an unreliable search engine that targets Brazilian computer users. At first sight, it may look useful with all the easy-access links to popular websites and online gaming site, but the third-party ads it displays are quite annoying and might be potentially harmful, too. The whole main page is rather messy and it is quite easy to click on an ad even accidentally. If this hijacker is on board, it might mean multiple security issues since there might be other infections, too, distributed with it. In order to protect your computer from any potential threat, we advise you to remove QQovd.com ASAP. Read more »
If you ever notice the presence of SerfSearch.com on your Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox, make sure that you remove this search engine as soon as possible. In fact, many specialists, including those working at anti-spyware-101.com, classify this search engine as a browser hijacker because users usually notice that it has replaced their regular homepages and search providers without their permission. Unfortunately, this browser hijacker might expose you to threats and even disrupt your browsing session if you use Internet Explorer. Of course, it is up to you what to do with it, but we highly recommend that you eliminate this browser hijacker. In order to help you get rid of it, we have prepared the manual removal instructions and put them below this article. Scroll down and you will definitely find them. Read more »
SearchSafe is a free desktop application which might enter your system without your permission or you might download it from some kind of third-party website. If you have already done that, you have probably noticed that your homepage and search provider have been changed to SearchSafe.com. SearchSafe search engine might really seem useful at first sight because it allows users to search for images, videos, news, check a map, and even find where to buy particular items. In fact, we do not think that this search provider can be trusted because it replaces users’ homepage and search providers without permission and thus is classified as a browser hijacker. Luckily, it is not so difficult to erase SearchSafe search provider (searchsafe.com). All the necessary information will be provided for you in this article. Read more »
Websearch.simplesearches.info is yet another malicious program that our researchers have classified as a browser hijacker. You should remove the application, because it performs certain actions without the user’s knowledge or consent. Usually, users get these kinds of browser hijackers if they do not have an antimalware scanner that would be able to detect and prevent their installation. So, we suggest getting a good antimalware scanner that can do the job. In any event, this article is dedicated to providing the most information about this infection as possible. Read more »
If Mysearch123.com comes up as your home page once you launch your browser, you need to know that you have been infected with a browser hijacker. There is a good chance that you have installed a free software package recently, because that is how Mysearch123.com can infiltrate your system and make certain changes to your browsers without your permission. Since this hijacker affects all the major browsers, you will find that Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome will have the same home page and default search engine, Mysearch123.com. Having this browser hijacker on your system might cause multiple security issues. For example, there may be a number of other infections on your computer that have come on board in the same bundle. Due to the risks you might be exposed to, we recommend that you remove Mysearch123.com from your PC. Read more »
istartpageing.com is known to be a browser hijacker, so do not be very surprised when you notice that it has replaced your homepage and search provider. istartpageing.com itself is very similar to luckysearches.com and luckybeginning.com. Some researchers even say that it belongs to the family whose members are Qone8, iStartSurf, V9, Sweet-Page, and other browser hijackers. In most cases, this browser hijacker manages to enter the system when a user tends to download many programs that fall into the category of freeware or shareware from various unreliable third-party websites. If this threat has already slithered onto your computer, you have to eliminate it because it might cause harm to your system. We understand that istartpageing.com might seem like a useful search engine; however, you have to get rid of it without further consideration and then set another homepage and search provider. Read more »
Siteken.com is a search engine that is considered a browser hijacker because it enters your computer without your permission. Nevertheless, users often allow this infection to slither into their systems because they are not aware of potential dangers that lurk in the corners of the Internet. If you are an avid online gamer, it would not be surprising if Siteken.com gets installed on your PC when you download various free games. It is necessary to remove this browser hijacker from your system because such infections often lead far more serious consequences. Cyber crime is not just about your overall system security, it is about targeting your finances as well, so you must do everything in your power to protect yourself from such attacks. Read more »
Boxo-search.com is an ambiguous browser hijacker that certainly enters your system uninvited, but it does not seem to be extremely dangerous. Of course, we do not mean that it is a good idea to keep this unwanted program on your computer. Any security-minded user would want to remove Boxo-search.com from her computer at once because the program is intrusive and annoying. This is where we provide manual Boxo-search.com removal instructions so you can take care of this issue yourself. But at the time we would like to emphasize that this browser hijacker might be just one of the many unwanted applications that have been recently installed on your PC. Read more »
Search.myemailxp.com is a search engine that comes uninvited to your computer. We recommend that you remove this “guest,” and restore your old browser settings that you prefer. This article is a result of complaints from a lot of people who say that the application appeared from nowhere. In our opinion this is unacceptable. Thus, this application is regarded as malicious. If you want to learn more about this search engine, please read this article, since it contains some useful information that will help you get a better understanding of what you are dealing with. Read more »