What is

If you are worried about the security of your Windows system, we suggest you remove browser hijacker. This infection manifests through unauthorized redirections to the unreliable search engine, and you should inspect your computer, delete malware the moment you notice that something is not right. Of course, in some cases the search tool can be offered to you directly. For example, researchers have discovered that you may be offered to change the home page of your browser when installing the Shareaza Toolbar. This is not something that we would recommend because the search engine is not as reliable as it may seem at first. You should continue reading if you wish to learn more about the suspicious hijacker and the removal steps you might want to perform.

Do you need to delete

Once schemers infiltrate the malicious browser hijacker onto your computer, you may notice continuous rerouting to This search engine does not look too suspicious because it allows you to browse the web just like any other search tool would. Additionally to the regular Web, Images, Videos and News searches, this search provider also allows you to browse maps, translate text, find recipes and learn finance tricks. If you perform a web search you are redirected to Here you are greeted by Ad related search results, related Searches, Related Links, Related History and Web Results. It is important that you do not click on any ad-related links because this could open up security backdoors.test

The search engine also provides links to Facebook, YouTube, Free Games ( and Free Music ( Additionally, you are offered to Download Free Music from As research shows, the application has been created by Bandoo Media Inc. Some other web tools developed by this company include Movies Toolbar, and Searchqu. It is recommended that you remove these suspicious applications because all of them are linked to suspicious third-party activity. The advertisements provided to you via the unreliable search engine could open up security backdoors and enable schemers to infiltrate malware. If this is not what you want – delete

How to remove

Even though is not terribly malicious, you certainly need to be cautious with this search engine. It provides links to highly suspicious websites and advertises questionable services. If your browsers are corrupted by the browser hijacker, we recommend that you implement automatic spyware detection and removal software (e.g. SpyHunter) to delete malware from the computer. In case you have set this search engine as home page or search provider yourself – follow the manual removal instructions.

Remove undesirable search tools

Remove from Internet Explorer:

  1. Open the browser and simultaneously tap Alt+T.
  2. Select Manage Add-ons.
  3. From the list on the left click Search Providers.
  4. Click the undesirable search provider and select Remove.
  5. Click Close to exit the utility.
  6. Tap Alt+T once again and click Internet Options.
  7. Click the General tab and move to Home Page.
  8. Overwrite/remove the URL and click OK.

Remove from Google Chrome:

  1. Launch Chrome and simultaneously tap Alt+F.
  2. Select Settings and go straight to On Startup.
  3. Mark Open a specific page or set of pages.
  4. Click Set pages and overwrite/remove the URL. Click OK.
  5. Under Appearance mark Show Home button and click Change.
  6. Overwrite/delete the presented URL and click OK.
  7. Move to search, click the drop-down menu and select a new search provider.
  8. Click Manage search engines, locate the undesirable search provider, click the X to remove it and then OK.

Remove from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open Firefox, simultaneously tap Alt+T and select Options.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Go to Home Page, overwrite/remove it and click OK.
  4. Move to the search box on the left.
  5. Click the icon and select Manage Search Engines.
  6. Remove the unwanted search provider and click OK.

In case there are any other questions that you need answers to, we are ready to help you. All you have to do is present a detailed question in the comment section below.

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