What is Savings-magnet Deal Finder?
Savings-Magnet Deal Finder is a browser extension often classified as adware. This plug-in displays coupon and discount offers for a number of online shopping malls. At first sight, this application to be able to improve your overall online shopping experience, but the problem behind it is that Savings-Magnet Deal Finder can be easily exploited by a malicious party, because the application itself is not responsible (i.e. it does not review) the third party commercial ads and links that are embedded in its messages. These coupon boxes appear on the main online shopping websites, so if you are an avid online shopper you may get exposed to Savings-Magnet Deal Finder sooner or later. However, due to a number of security risks users are often highly recommended to remove Savings-Magnet Deal Finder from their computers ASAP.
Where does Savings-Magnet Deal Finder come from?
Just like with a number of browser extensions that are compatible with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, Savings-Magnet Deal Finder can be downloaded at its official website, although at the time of writing the download link does not work. Nevertheless, most of the time Savings-Magnet Deal Finder is distributed via bundled downloads. It means that the plugin’s installer file is often combined with another freeware installer files, and if you download a video player or a shareware game, it is very likely that it will come with some additional application such as Savings-Magnet Deal Finder. Therefore, if you want to avoid installing the browser extensions you do not need, you should be attentive during freeware installation process.
How to remove Savings-Magnet Deal Finder?
It is very obvious when Savings-Magnet Deal Finder is installed on your PC – the plug-in does not try to hide. Each time you enter such online shopping webpage as Amazon or eBay, the extension will display coupon boxes or advertisements above underline keywords within the web text. You should not click on any of these ads, because some of the links may lead to corrupted websites that could in turn result in malware infection.
To protect your computer from possible security threats, remove Savings-Magnet Deal Finder from your system via Control Panel, and then check your browser’s extensions list, to see whether the application has been removed full or not. Do not hesitate to invest in a reliable antimalware program if necessary, because a legitimate computer security tool will protect you from other possible threats.
Manual Savings-Magnet Deal Finder Removal
Windows 8
- Move mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of the screen.
- When Charms bar appears, click Settings and select Control Panel.
- Open Uninstall a program and remove the application.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Open Start menu and click Control Panel.
- Select Uninstall a program and remove the application.
Windows XP
- Open Start menu and go to Control Panel.
- Click open Add or remove programs and uninstall the application.
How to remove Savings-Magnet Deal Finder from browser
Internet Explorer
- Press Alt+X and click Manage add-ons.
- Remove the plug-in from Toolbars and Extensions.
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Ctrl+Shift+A and Add-ons manager tab will open.
- Disable and remove the plugin from Extensions.
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F and click Tools.
- Press Extensions and remove the plug-in from the list.
Eventually, in order to make sure that you have no other potentially dangerous applications to remove, scan your PC with SpyHunter scanner. Do all it takes to protect your PC from malware.
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