What is Zip Ransomware?
Malicious applications are developed every day by cyber criminals. Zip Ransomware is one of the newest threats they have released. Specialists working at anti-spyware-101.com have detected it only recently, so it is not one of those prevalent infections yet. Of course, it does not mean that it cannot become one in the future and infiltrate your computer. Most likely, this has already happened if you are reading this article or you are a very curious computer user. If it is the first reason you have started reading this report, you must erase this ransomware infection from your computer immediately so that it could not cause more problems to you. We do not think that the Zip Ransomware removal will be very complicated because it does not drop any files on victims’ computers, it does not make copies of itself in several different directories, and it does not create any new registry keys in the system registry. Even though you should not find the ransomware removal procedure very complicated, we recommend reading this article from beginning to end first. You will find out how you can remove it and, additionally, you will be explained in detail how it acts on victims’ computers.
Where does Zip Ransomware come from?
Before we analyze how Zip Ransomware works, we should first talk about its distribution. We have to admit that we still cannot tell you much about methods used to spread this threat because its infection rate is not high, i.e. it is not prevalent, but specialists suspect that it should not differ from other ransomware infections much. According to them, this infection should also be spread using already well-known distribution methods, e.g. via spam emails. If you do not have much experience with malware, the chances are high that you will not find it very easy to prevent bad applications from entering your computer either. It is especially true if you surf the web on a daily basis and download plenty of free software from the web. It does not mean that less experienced users cannot protect their computers from harmful malicious applications. Malware could not enter your computer if you install a security application, so you should enable security software on your computer today after you get rid of Zip Ransomware.
What does Zip Ransomware do?
No doubt Zip Ransomware also wants money from users because even though it does not encrypt users’ files like other ransomware infections do, it stills does not allow users to access them. Specifically speaking, users’ personal files (e.g. pictures, documents, videos, music, etc.) are put into password-protected .zip archives. They can only be unlocked with a passcode consisting of 8 characters. Cyber criminals behind this ransomware infection are the ones who know it, and we are sure they will not give it to you for free. Although the ransom note (Unzip your ZIP files.txt) dropped by Zip Ransomware does not tell users that they could access their files only if they purchase the special passcode, it is not a secret that ransomware infections want money from users, and we suspect that Zip Ransomware has been developed for money extortion either. You can contact cyber criminals behind this infection by writing an email to zip@emai.tg; however, if there are no important files among those archived, we suggest that you do not waste your time on writing emails and, instead, go to delete the ransomware infection from your computer as soon as possible. Never send money to malicious software developers because you will give them the reason to continue developing harmful threats. Additionally, this might not help you to get your locked data back at all.
How to delete Zip Ransomware
You cannot easily unlock those archives with your personal files, but you can surely delete the ransomware infection from your computer quite easily. Since it is not one of those sophisticated threats that make important modifications on users’ computers, you should be able to delete it from your computer manually if you follow our step-by-step instructions provided below this article. If you do not trust yourself much and think that you can leave active malicious components behind by accident, you should use an automated security scanner to delete Zip Ransomware. Sadly, an automatic tool will not help you to get your files back.
Zip Ransomware removal guide
- Open Explorer.
- Check Desktop (%USERPROFILE%\Desktop) and the Downloads (%USERPROFILE%\Downloads) folder.
- Delete all suspicious files you find there.
- Remove the ransom note Unzip your ZIP files.txt dropped by Zip Ransomware.
- Empty Recycle bin.
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