What is Your browser has been locked Virus?
Your browser has been locked Virus displays fake security notification when you browse the Internet. It basically freezes your browser and does not even allow you to close it, thus successfully rendering even your computer inoperable. Your browser has been locked Virus can be classified as a ransomware infection, because it displays a notification similar to those displays by a number of Ukash Virus infections. However, this malware attacks a web server and not your computer, so as long as you manage to kill the internet browser process, your computer should be safe. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you should not scan your system to check for potential infections.
Where does Your browser has been locked Virus come from?
Based on its appearance, Your browser has been locked Virus looks very much like real ransomware programs that infect computers and denies desktop access. Most of them are distributed by Reveton and Urausy Trojans. It might imply that there are potentially dangerous applications installed on your computer as well.
If you have been browsing a legitimate site and suddenly your screen was hijacked by the fraudulent message, it is very likely that the website in question has been hacked. You should also stay away from unfamiliar websites that could be related to malware distribution as that might also lead to seeing the Your browser has been locked Virus message on your screen.
What does Your browser has been locked Virus do?
As you can most probably tell, this web server-based infection displays a fake notification that is supposedly delivered by the FBI. It also displays your IP address and your approximate whereabouts, making it seem as though everything is happening for real. Your browser has been locked Virus accuses of having been involved in a list of illegal activities, such as copyright infringement, child pornography distribution and so on. It says that you may avoid potential criminal case if you pay a release fee:
To unlock your computer and avoid other legal consequences, you are obliged to pay a release fee of $300, payable through GreenDot MoneyPak (you have to purchase MoneyPak card, load it with $300 and enter the code). You can buy the code at any shop or gas station. MoneyPak is available at the stores nationwide.
Although GreenDot MoneyPak is a legal alternative payment system, this entire message just spells FRAUD, as the cyber criminals behind this web page hijack are obviously after your money. Keep in mind, that if you pay the “fine” you will most probably not be able to get your money back. Hence, refrain from paying anything, because you have not done anything that is listed in the message.
How to remove Your browser has been locked Virus?
It has already been mentioned before, that if you are seeing this message, it does not mean your computer is infected. You simply need to follow instructions below to close Internet Explorer. However, scanning your PC for any suspicious files or programs is always a good idea, because that could be the best way to prevent any undesirable intruders from entering your system.
How to close Internet Explorer
- Right-click your Taskbar and select Start Task Manager.
- Open Processes tab and click Show processes from all users button.
- Select iexplore.exe process and click End Process button.
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