What is Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses?
If you are seeing a notification telling Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses you should know you most likely encountered a fake system alert. Such threats are designed to imitate genuine warnings and make the user do what the cybercriminals want while imagining they are doing it to protect their devices. For example, in this case, the hackers want their victims to download a specific tool. If you believe the fake pop-up, it is supposed to help you delete possible threats, but we suspect it might be in fact a malicious application. Thus, installing it could be extremely dangerous, for example, depending on the malware it could harm user’s files, steal his sensitive information, etc. Consequently, our specialists at Anti-spyware-101.com advise not to download any tools recommended by the Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses notification. If you want to know how to react when coming across such alerts you should read our full report about this false pop-up.
Where does Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses come from?
The Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses notification might be displayed after the user gets redirected to the site showing it. Our researchers think one could end up on such a site if he clicks malicious pop-up ads, sponsored links, or other questionable advertisements. Usually, such ads appear on malicious web pages, for example, gambling websites, torrent websites, adult sites, and so on. In other words, if you do not want to see similar fake alerts in the future, you should try to keep away from the described web pages.
How does Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses work?
For starters, we should say judging from the threat’s text there is a chance it might be only after iPhone devices. Soon after the user ends up on the website designed to display the fake alert he should start seeing a pop-up claiming: “We detect that your Apple iPhone is 28.1% DAMAGED because of four harmful viruses from recent adult sites.” The text might be slightly different as there could be other versions of it, but our researchers say it should state more or less the same things. Such as if the user will not delete the malware from his mobile device it could corrupt his contacts, photos, applications, and other data on his iPhone. The weirdest part of the message is it says the malicious software can be erased with “Applock” downloaded from Google Play. As you probably realize, it might be impossible since Google Play offers software for devices running Android and Apple devices have a different operating system known as iOS. Of course, in the end, the website you could be redirected to if you click the Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses alert’s suggested link might be fictitious. This is why users who do not understand this is a scam may not notice this mistake. Again, we would like to stress it might be risky to click on the notification’s links. The safest thing to do would be getting rid of the fake pop-up at once.
How to remove Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses?
Since the notification is lying and the user’s mobile phone is no infected with viruses, in reality, our researchers say it should be enough to close the browser’s tab with the alert to eliminate Your Battery Is Damaged By Viruses. What’s more, it is highly advisable not to interact with the pop-up itself. As you see, there are cases when even clicking the fake notification’s X button could start downloading something possibly malicious or redirect the user to a site containing harmful content. As a result, it is best to exit the tab showing this threat. If you are having any difficulties, you could also try clicking the button that would take you back to the previous site till you end up on a legit web page or type another address in the browser’s address bar to leave the website showing the pop-up.
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