
What is wuauclt.exe?

wuauclt.exe is a system process that originally is designed to search for operating system updates at Windows website. wuauclt.exe stays resident in the background and may be seen on Task Manager process list. The original wuauclt.exe is stored on C:\Windows\System32, but if you notice it placed in a different location, you should strongly consider taking action, since wuauclt.exe may be a disguised Trojan, worm or a virus. If this is the case, we strongly recommend you to scan your computer for possible malware infections.
If wuauclt.exe is not a part of the legitimate system, then it is definitely related to a whole list of Trojans. A few Trojans that come packed with wuauclt.exe in their composition include Trojan.Agent.afbr, Trojan.Agent.aiae, Trojan.Agent.aivw and many more. As a result, it means that if you have wuauclt.exe your system's security is breached. The general infection symptoms might be slow computer and the Internet, also a repetitive crash of various programs.

What is more, if you have a Trojan that is related to wuauclt.exe, you might also be in danger of experiencing a private data leak, because Trojans are known to connect to the Internet without your permission in order to transfer the collected data over the network to a remote server. Also, another thing about computer malware is that it usually comes in packs. So if you see wuauclt.exe in your Windows Task Manager, you might already be infected with a few Trojans that hinder your system's performance.

Also, there might be quite a few Trojans (or even rogue antispyware!) on their way to your system, so you if you want to avoid being infected with multiple malware, you need to remove wuauclt.exe and everything this file is related to using a powerful security tool. You can try deleting wuauclt.exe manually only if you are a computer security expert, because if you have no clue what you are doing, you could accidentally delete an important system file instead.

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tested removal of wuauclt.exe*
  1. i cant seen to anything other than antivirus live to do anything..... there add is the onlything that i can go to or buy

  2. why is this doing this i dont think i can do anything unless i buy there $69.99 antivirus pro thats the one they have checked for me to buy. after 5 min a porno sit my son went last night called audult.com comes then some add irectile disfuntion but nothing else i can do i have tryed and it keep poping up saying APPLICATION CANNOT BE EXECUTED, THE FILE WUAUCLT.EXE IE INFECTED. DO YOU WANT TO ACTIVATE YOUR ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE NOW?

  3. I have exactly the same problem. Please help out.

  4. I have the same thing, please help.

  5. I have the same problem. Please help

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