What is Windows Wise Protection?
Some computer threats such as Windows Wise Protection will create so many computer problems for you that you may end up with a computer system that appear entirely different to the one that you had before. Windows Wise Protection is a fake software that is usually injected into a computer through the help of nasty Trojans. Basically you will experience all types of warning messages and computer security notifications which are all false and are all part of a malicious plan to try and fool you into believing that your computer system is infected. Windows Wise Protection will slow your computer system down and also decrease the speed and reliability of your internet connection. All these tricks are done to make users believe that Windows Wise Protection is the only way to fix the computer.
The best thing you can do is to always be aware of the malicious warning messages which Windows Wise Protection generates and to know that these are simply false warning messages which are not real. Windows Wise Protection may also modify your system settings and wont allow accessing your desktop without you having done anything to contribute towards these changes. In order to be safe it is best to understand that removing Windows Wise Protection from your computer system is going to be the best thing which you as a computer user can do.
If You are one of the users who cant access the Desktop you can wait until Windows Wise Protection finishes its scan. You can also try clicking the link at the bottom left side of the program. This will open up a new window, but will also allow to close the fake Windows Wise Protection program.
Be warned, that these simple steps dont eliminate the program. You must further search and delete Windows Wise Protection associated files.
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