What is Windows Tool?
Do not be fooled by the seemingly genuine looking Windows Tool. This rogue antispyware application will cause more harm to your system than good. Windows Tool was designed to act as a vehicle for unscrupulous cyber criminals to rip honest and hard working consumers off, while offering them nothing in return for their hard earned money than an empty shell of a software.
Windows Tool enters the system under suspicious circumstances. This should already alert the user to its suspect nature and dictate that Windows Tool is not to be trusted. Windows Tool makes use of Trojans to root its infection in its host PCs. These Trojans are distributed via fake online malware scanners and seditious browser hijackers.
Users who did not manage to get rid of Windows Tool in time complained about being unable to connect to the Internet and not benign able to launch any type of program on their systems. In order to circumvent the certain devastation which follows any infection of this magnitude get rid of Windows Tool while there is still time.
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