What is Windows Threats Removing?
In the light of never ending computer threats users have to be careful of catching such infections as Windows Threats Removing. This newest player in the family of parasites is a rogue antispyware, which has been created to rip you off. The basic feature of Windows Threats Removing is that it poses as a real security program, imitating the appearance and functions of a genuine security program. However, the word “imitation” is the key, because there is nothing real about Windows Threats Removing.
This rogue would never be able to protect your computer from harm, no matter what it might claim. Worse, Windows Threats Removing is a parasite which causes harm to your system, at the same time targeting your bank account. It is also a very sneaky software application, because it is hard to tell exactly when it enters your system. This parasite usually comes along with a Trojan infection and upon the installation in your system; it launches an attack which becomes worse as the days go by.
When you are attacked by endless stream of security messages, when your computer performance slows and it gets hard to perform the most basic tasks, when you are prompted to purchase a full version of Windows Threats Removing – then you know for sure that you are in trouble. Prevent the imminent disaster by stopping the infection when there’s still time. Rather than believing in the rogue, acquire a real security tool and purge Windows Threats Removing from your computer.
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Please help, i cant find the file you describe? im running vista, but im on another laptop to write this. i cannot find the file to delete anywhere, please help. im getting close to a system restore but dont want to loose stuff. will this even work?
any advise welcome, thanks
it is a random filename, so you should look for a file that is a new one (maybe choose "date modified"
my path is;
local disk (c:)
then i get Local, LocalLow or Roaming
is this right?
Search for Windows Threats Removing files in local and roaming
Sorry for a late reply
in the file Roaming, is an application type called 'jhdmjc' , could be this? but not an image file?
Yes, this should be the infection.
yep, found it and deleted thanks!
I read somewhere that it showed up as a media file (i think) but can confirm it shows as an app.
many thanks