What is Windows Safemode?
Windows Safemode is a rogue antispyware application which is lurking in the darkest corners of the Internet, waiting for an unsuspecting user to catch this dangerous infection. It has been created by despicable cyber criminals to rip financial gain from absolutely innocent people, leaving them nothing in return. Rogues such as Windows Safemode have been known to be plaguing users’ computers for a long time and therefore you should be very careful about it.
This rogue usually arrives as your doorstep together with a Trojan infection. It is hard to know when this happens, because Windows Safemode pretends to be a real security program. It tries to appear a reliable software application so much it copies to appearance of known security products. And just as a real security program, Windows Safemode will initiate a system scan when it is installed. But the scan by Windows Safemode is obviously fake and all the errors that it reports do not exist in your computer. So don’t believe and follow the calls for action you receive from this rogue!
Were you to provide Windows Safemode with your credit card number, be sure that the criminals behind this rogue will be able to sweep your bank account clean whenever they have the chance to. So, in order to avoid your computer being damaged and your bank account tapped in, you have to acquire a reliable malware remover to destroy Windows Safemode once and for all.
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