Windows Remedy

What is Windows Remedy?

There are two sides of the same coin, and the very same thing is applicable to the Internet. Even though it is very useful, it is also full of such computer threats as Windows Remedy. This malicious pest is a rogue antispyware application which masquerades as a genuine security program. It is good at copying the appearance and the security alert messages of well-known software. By employing such dirty tactics, Windows Remedy works towards its goal.
The goal of Windows Remedy is simply to rob you. Due to the fact that the interface of this rogue looks very much like that of a real security program, you might feel more inclined to trust it, and believe in what it says. But that is exactly what Windows Remedy is trying to achieve. You see, when this rogue bombards you with fake security messages it wants you to get scared so much you would no longer hesitate to use its services. You have to stay strong, because if you succumb to this dirty tactic, you will experience terrible harm.


Windows Remedy will rob you in no time if you provide it with your credit card number. The cyber criminals who have created this malicious software will be able to access your bank account anytime if you give away your information, so keep your credit card close to yourself and get rid of Windows Remedy before it rampaged through your financial funds and left your computer in ruins.

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