What is Windows Protection Alarm?
Windows Protection Alarm is a fake security program which has been plaguing users worldwide for some time now. It is a rogue which poses as a reliable security application in hopes of stealing your money and leaving your computer absolutely inoperable. You need to remove Windows Protection Alarm once it is obvious that you have been infected.
If you are wondering how you could have caught Windows Protection Alarm, there are many various possibilities. This rogue can be distributed via spam email, or fake online malware scanners. In case it is delivered with spam email, the rogue might be hiding in the attachment to the mail message, or in between the message’s text in some kind of link. There might be a link urging the user to watch an interesting video or check an important news portal, but in fact that link leads to a site which hosts Windows Protection Alarm and when the user lands there, the download starts automatically.
Once Windows Protection Alarm roots in your system, it starts sending various fake security notifications about non-existent viruses and errors which one must delete with Windows Protection Alarm. However, if the user tries to do it, he is confronted with the purchase page for Windows Protection Alarm. This program is obviously a scam and one must remove Windows Protection Alarm from his computer before it managed to cause any distinctive damage and steal all of your money.
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