What is Windows Error Correction?
Do not be fooled by the seemingly genuine looking Windows Error Correction. This rogue antispyware tool will not benefit your PC in the least and will only steal your money while leaving you with nothing of value in return. Windows Error Correction was developed by unscrupulous cyber criminals to impersonate the real workings of an antispyware security application. It will do its utmost to convince users that it is a genuine security tool, but despite what it might say Windows Error Correction does not have the ability to detect or remove any type of malware or infections from a system.
Windows Error Correction makes use of Trojan horse infections to root its infections in users’ PCs. These Trojans are distributed via fake online malware scanners and seditious browser hijackers. Windows Error Correction has also been known to bundle its malware and Trojans together with other legitimate security downloads and updates, obtained from third party websites. Notice that Windows Error Correction may block you from reaching Desktop, so You will need to do 3 simple steps:
1.When Windows Error Correction program appears, press the URL on the bottom left corner of the program.
2. A new page opens up. Close the page, and immediately close the Windows Error Correction program by clicking on the X mark.
3.You should now be able to reach Your desktop and start removing the Windows Error Correction.
At the end of the day the only way you’ll be able to circumvent the dire consequences of this infection will be to utterly obliterate Windows Error Correction from the system. This is best achieved by making use of a genuine security tool which will not only erase Windows Error Correction from the system but also make sure that your PC is properly protected against similar future threats.
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