What is Windows Shielding Utility?
Windows Shielding Utility is one more fake antispyware program that you need to avoid. The rogue can trick you with its fraudulent looks, as it resembles a legitimate antispyware tool, when in fact, it is just another bogus program. The treacherous application is capable of imitating an infection, and can convince you that you need to purchase its ineffective full version. Do not let the scam fool you and remove Windows Shielding Utility from your operating system rapidly.
Windows Shielding Utility comes from a large fake antispyware tools family, which has produced very well know rogues Windows Warding System and Windows Trouble Taker. The schemers behind this family are well experienced and know many ways how to trick PC users into letting Windows Shielding Utility into their systems. Do not think that you could not have caught it, because Windows Shielding Utility’s setup could be hiding not only in illegal sites, but also in spam email attachments or hijacked links, so a single click could do the job!
Once inside, Windows Shielding Utility will cause your computer to slow down, and a fake computer scanner will pop-up telling you about numerous Trojans and warms infecting your system. Windows Shielding Utility will also use persuading pop-ups and security alerts, which will add more fake information about infection. Do not believe any of that, and most importantly do not follow any directions and recommendations suggesting you to buy a useless Windows Shielding Utility’s full version! This tool will not remove any threats and will not give your system any protection.
Do not focus on the fake infection, and do not panic, because the longer you believe and trust Windows Shielding Utility, the more damage will be done to your system! To restore your Windows functionality and protect your personal security, remove Windows Shielding Utility. Only this way you will get rid of any problems and will return to using your Windows normally. To erase the rogue, use a trustable antispyware, o go on manually, if you have the skills to do it.
After a further analysis of Windows Shielding Utility it has been found out that there is a wide number of fake security messages the rogue bombards the user with:
Firewall has blocked a program from accessing the Internet.
Windows Media Player Resources
C:\Windows\system32\dllcache\wmploc.dll is suspected to have infected your PC. This type of virus intercepts entered data and transmits them to a remote server.Error
Keylogger activity detected. System information security is at risk.
It is recommended to activate protection and run a full system scan.Error
Software without a digital signature detected.
Your system files are at risk. We strongly advise you to activate your protection.
These are only a few of the messages that you will see pop up in the case of Windows Shielding Utility's infection. The messages come together with the face system scan the results of which should never be trusted as well. Windows Shielding Utility wants you to believe that your system is heavily infected with "viruses" and you must purchase the full version of the program, otherwise you will never be able to operate the Registry Editor, Windows Task Manager and the Internet again.
Luckily, you can "register" Windows Shielding Utility without purchasing anything. Simply make use of this activation key:
Take note, that it will not make the rogue disappear, but you will get your system tools back for the time being, and you will have enough time to acquire a computer security program that will erase Windows Shielding Utility from your computer immediately. Do not hesitate and wait until the rogue comes back once again. Delete it and safeguard your system against similar infections.
Warning, this parasite will block your Internet connection. Click here for instructions how to renew your Internet access.
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