What is Windows Efficiency Reservoir?
Programs that appear to be useful but in fact are computer threats are called rogue antispyware applications. Windows Efficiency Reservoir is that kind of a program, and even though it visually appears to be very similar to a popular computer safeguard program, but that is only a shiny exterior. From the inside this program is a lot uglier than you think. To start with, Windows Efficiency Reservoir enters your system because it wants your hard-earned money.
Windows Efficiency Reservoir does not ask for permission when it infects your system. Most of the time it slithers through a fake online malware scanner or the download is installed automatically when you land on an infected website. It presupposes that you have to be extremely careful when you browse the internet, because things like Windows Efficiency Reservoir can be hiding behind every corner. Even so, if you get infected, do not panic, and deal with the rogue immediately.
The most important thing is to ignore the fake security notifications and the scan results received from Windows Efficiency Reservoir. Eradicate Windows Efficiency Reservoir with a powerful security tool and be done with the infection in no time. Deleting the rogue on your own might seem a little bit too complicated, so do not hesitate to invest in a safeguard application that will remove Windows Efficiency Reservoir for you at once.
One of the reasons why you should take Windows Efficiency Reservoir seriously is its background. This rogue hails from Rogue.VirusDoctor family of malicious computer threats and it is a new version of Windows Care Taker, Windows Custodian Utility, Windows Shielding Utility and others. Upon the infection Windows Efficiency Reservoir will perform a fake system scan, claiming that you are infected with various viruses, for example, P2P-Worm.Win32, Rootkit.Win32.KernelBot and etc. It even provides the description for the infections. For example, P2P-Worm.Win32 is described as:
This type of behavior covers malicious programs that delete, block, modify, or copy data, disrupt computer performance, but which cannot be classified under any of the behaviors identified above.
Apart from fake scan results Windows Efficiency Reservoir also has a list of fake security notifications that sends your way:
Keylogger activity detected. System information security is at risk.
It is recommended to activate protection and run a full system scan.Error
Software without a digital signature detected.
Your system files are at risk. We strongly advise you to activate your protection.
These notifications are there to make you think that the reason you can no longer open your Internet browser or Windows Task Manager is the infections reported by Windows Efficiency Reservoir. Obviously, it is quite the opposite and you have to deal with the rogue at once before it damaged your computer to the point of no return.
Use the following registration key to "activate Windows Efficiency Reservoir:
It will not remove the rogue, but you will be able to cancel out its symptoms for a time being, and while Windows Efficiency Reservoir is neutered, you need to find yourself a legitimate computer safeguard tool to delete Windows Efficiency Reservoir from your computer for good. Do not wait until the rogue comes back and wages war against your computer again.
Warning, this parasite will block your Internet connection. Click here for instructions how to renew your Internet access.
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