What is Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up?
If you keep seeing Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up every day, it might be very true that some kind of malicious application installed on the computer is working in the background. Also, researchers working at anti-spyware-101.com say that users might see Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up because they have opened an untrustworthy website and then have been redirected to a website showing this annoying warning against their will. It is not hard to get rid of this irritating pop-up in such a case because it will not be shown to you again if you close your browser, make sure that it does not restore the last browsing session, and do not visit an untrustworthy web page causing redirections ever again. In the case of the presence of malware, you will continue seeing Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up. The irritating window with a warning can only be eliminated once and for all by detecting and eliminating malicious software responsible for its presence from the system. Since it is unclear what infection shows pop-ups, it might be, unfortunately, not very easy to find it and get rid of it.
What does Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up do?
Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up warnings are usually shown by two advertising domains: townsecurity.xyz/united_kingdom_3/ and streetsecurity.xyz/united_kingdom_2/?utm_source=_. If you ever see a warning with any of these URLs at the top, you should know that these warnings are fake, and there is no point in believing what it is written on them. There are several different versions of Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up. Find two examples below:
Your Hard drive will be DELETED if you close this page. You have a ALUREON virus! Please call Support Now!. Call Toll-Free: 0800-090-3285 To Stop This Process
****Dont Restart Your Computer ****
Windows Detected ALUREON Virus, The Infections detected, indicate some recent downloads on the computer which in turn has created problems on the computer.Call Toll Free : 0800-090-3285 and share this code SD333 to the Agent to Fix This.
All these warnings share one main similarity – they promote the telephone number 0800-090-3285. Even though these Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up alerts are quite convincing, you should not call the so-called Technical Support or Toll-free Helpline even though it is said that the telephone number is toll-free and the computer issue will be fixed for you within seconds. First of all, as we have already mentioned, the fake pop-up warning only tries to scare you into dialing the provided telephone number, and it is completely fake. Also, it does not lock the screen and can be easily closed. If you do not listen to our advice and make a decision to dial the number, you might receive a huge bill after doing that. Also, you might reveal personal data to cyber criminals and lose money if you purchase the tool they promote.
Some users decide not to do anything regarding the presence of malicious software showing Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up warnings because they do not think that they will ever get tired from closing these pop-ups manually. According to experts, users who are not planning on taking care of malicious software make a huge mistake. It is because malware might perform other activities on the infected computer too. For example, if Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up warnings are shown by an ad-supported program (adware), it will not only stop displaying these pop-ups when you surf the web, but it might also violate your privacy because these threats tend to collect information about users and then share it with affiliates.
Where does Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up come from?
As has already been mentioned in the first paragraph, some users see Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up warnings because they enter bad websites and then get redirected to a page serving these pop-ups; however, it is still evident that the majority of people keep seeing these warnings on their screens every day because there is a malicious application installed on their computers. According to specialists, it might be very true that adware is responsible for showing Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up warnings. Delete it as soon as possible and install a reputable security application so that another infection could not enter your computer uninvited.
How to get rid of Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up
If closing a browser and never visiting the same web page does not help to remove Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up warnings from the screen once and for all, it means that the malicious application is responsible for these fake alerts. Since it might not be very easy to find it, it is highly recommended to use an automatic malware remover for the detection and deletion of undesirable software. There are so many harmful automatic scanners that only pretend to be trustworthy, so we recommend installing SpyHunter if you do not want to make a huge mistake.
Remove Windows Detected Alureon Virus Pop-up from the screen
- Right-click on the tab with a fake pop-up alert.
- Select Close Tab.
- Make sure that the last browsing session is not restored.
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