
What is Websearch.swellsearch.info?

The more freeware you download from third-party sites and the more you frequent various pirate sites, the higher the possibility that your system will get infected by a browser hijacker. Websearch.swellsearch.info is the most recent example of this kind of malware that you should remove immediately upon noticing that your home page and default search engine has been modified. Websearch.swellsearch.info is classified as a browser hijacker because it hijacks your Internet browser without asking for your authorization and modifies the settings it wants to modify. When you notice that your home page have been changed it is already too late, Websearch.swellsearch.info is already on your system, but it might not be too late to follow our removal guide and delete Websearch.swellsearch.info before it has jeopardized the overall system health completely.test 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of Websearch.swellsearch.info*

What does Websearch.swellsearch.info do?

The moment you notice your new home page, you will recognize that this hijacker belongs to the Websearch family which consists of other notorious iterations like Websearch.searchitwell.info, Websearch.homesearchapp, and Websearch.coolwebsearch.info. They all share the same website marked by the same logo; sometimes different clones utilize different search engines but these differences are mostly superficial. If you ever get infected with any Websearch malware, you already know what you have to do: remove it immediately.

Websearch.swellsearch.info shares its characteristics with adware, the main purpose being to expose you to advertising material. Thus, it hopes you will click on one of the ads which it has started spamming on your Internet browser. It employs a wide range of instruments to make sure you are lured to these promoted third-party sites. One of the most alarming tools, and one of many reasons why users do everything in their power to remove this browser hijacker, is the utilization of tracking cookies to spy on all the things you check out or look for on the Internet.

Websearch.swellsearch.info, like most browser hijackers, is assisted with a search provider (in this case Google search is used) to display promoted material among the search results. Searching for the information through this hijacker might pose a risk to your system because you might click on one of the promoted sites. And it is not unusual when some of these sites contain malicious content.

Where does Websearch.swellsearch.info come from?

Websearch.swellsearch.info uses the stealthiest distribution channels because its developers know that you would not want to install software that is not beneficial for your Internet browsing routine, nor is safe to keep on your computer. This browser hijacker reaches its victims distributed via the InstallRex installers and it might come bundled with the MultiPlug adware like YoutubeAdBlocker, EZDownloader, and Optimizer Pro. The aforementioned installer might distribute various unreliable applications and utilities, therefore you should be attentive in order not to download or install them. Also avoid clicking on Download buttons that you might find on torrent and file-sharing websites; in general, avoid downloading any software from pirate sites as you might never know what malicious content it is bundled with.

How do I remove Websearch.swellsearch.info

Now we hope you are convinced that deleting Websearch.swellsearch.info is the first step in making sure your computer is malware-free. Follow the removal guidelines we have prepared for you to facilitate the task, but remember that Websearch.swellsearch.info might leave additional unwanted components that could have entered your PC while the browser hijacker was present on your system. The most reliable way to clean up your system is to have automatic malware removal software do it.

How to restore your Internet browser

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt to open the toolbar and choose Tools.
  2. Select Internet Options.
  3. Choose the Advanced tab and click Reset.
  4. Tick the Delete personal settings box.
  5. Click Reset.
  6. Restart Internet Explorer.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open the menu at the right of the address box.
  2. Click the question mark symbol (‘Open Help Menu’) below.
  3. Choose Troubleshooting Information.
  4. Click Refresh Firefox.
  5. Click Refresh Firefox one more time.
  6. Reopen Mozilla Firefox.

Google Chrome

  1. Click the symbol to the right of the address box.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click Show advanced settings.
  4. Click Reset settings at the very bottom of the page.
  5. Click Reset.
  6. Reopen Google Chrome. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Websearch.swellsearch.info*

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