
What is Websearch.Searchoholic.info?

If you have noticed Websearch.Searchoholic.info instead of your regular homepage, it means that you have encountered a browser hijacker. It is very likely that it has entered your system without your permission and you should delete it as soon as possible if you want to change the address of your homepage. Keep in mind that Websearch.Searchoholic.info will appear instead of your normal homepage on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox browsers, so changing the browser is not the best solution. Do you want to get more information about the removal of Websearch.Searchoholic.info? If it is exactly so, you should read through this article.test 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of Websearch.Searchoholic.info*

How does Websearch.Searchoholic.info act?

One of the main reasons why you should get rid of Websearch.Searchoholic.info is the fact that it will provide you with third-party links. Nobody cares about the security of those links, so they might route you to unreliable websites. Of course, not all the links are associated with untrustworthy websites; however, it is impossible to know which ones can be trusted, so you should ignore them all. As you have probably understood, it is very risky to use Websearch.Searchoholic.info. Therefore, we recommend that you get rid of it and set another homepage as soon as possible.

The security experts at anti-spyware-101.com have found that Websearch.Searchoholic.info browser hijacker enters the system without a user's permission. According to them, users download this unwanted software from the websites that promote fake Flash and Java updates. Instead of downloading updates, people end up with Websearch.Searchoholic.info hijacker. Unfortunately, other unreliable programs use the same tactic as well, so you should take care of your system's security. It is rather difficult to prevent them from entering the system, so we recommend that you install an antimalware tool. You will have to keep it enabled all the time in order to block the way for malware.

How to erase Websearch.Searchoholic.info

You will not be able to delete Websearch.Searchoholic.info via Control Panel, so we have prepared the manual removal instructions in order to help you to do that. If you do not have time to delete this threat yourself or if you do not have experience in malware removal, you should acquire a trustworthy malware remover, such as SpyHunter, and then scan the system. You will have to click one button and all the threats existings on your computer will be deleted. The antimalware suite will protect your computer from other serious infections as well.

Remove Websearch.Searchoholic.info

Google Chrome

  1. Launch the browser and tap Alt+F.
  2. Select Settings and then locate the On Startup section.
  3. Mark Open a specific page or set of pages and click Set pages.
  4. Change/remove the URL and click OK.
  5. Go to Appearance and mark Show Home button.
  6. Click Change and repeat the 4th step.
  7. Go to Search and click Manage search engines. Select a new default search provider.
  8. Click X on the URL you wish to remove and select Done.
  9. Tap Alt+F again, move to Tools and click Extensions.
  10. Click the recycle bin button in order to delete Websearch.Searchoholic.info and select Remove.

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch the browser and click the search provider icon on the search box.
  2. Select Manage Search Engines and Remove the undesirable search provider. Click OK.
  3. Tap Ctrl+Shift+A to open the Add-ons Manager.
  4. Go to Extensions and Remove/Disable the undesirable plugin.
  5. Simultaneously tap Alt+T to open the Tools menu and select Options.
  6. Click the General tab and find the When Firefox starts menu.
  7. Select Show my home page.
  8. Now change/delete the undesirable Home Page URL and select OK.

Internet Explorer:

  1. Launch the browser, tap Alt+T and select Manage Add-ons.
  2. Go to Search Providers and choose a new default search provider.
  3. Remove the undesirable search provider.
  4. In the menu on the left click Toolbars and Extensions.
  5. Disable the undesirable plugin and click Close.
  6. Tap Alt+T and select Internet Options.
  7. Click the General tab, change/remove the Home Page URL and click OK.
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tested removal of Websearch.Searchoholic.info*

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