What is Websearch.a-searchpage.info?
Websearch.a-searchpage.info is another browser hijacker that is identical to hijacker such as websearch.simplespeedy.info, websearch.searchbomb.info, websearch.searchmania.info, and many others. Unfortunately, our reports show that quite a few users have their system infected with this hijacker. If you are one of those users who have Websearch.a-searchpage.info running on your PC, do not hesitate and use the removal guide provided below to delete this invasive infection as soon as possible. Read the rest of this article and find out what our malware experts at Anti-Spyware-101 have revealed about this invasive browser hijacker.
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Where does Websearch.a-searchpage.info come from?
In most cases Websearch.a-searchpage.info just like all of its counterparts is spread via bundled installers. Often such bundles are obtained from various third-party download websites or websites associated with online piracy. Download your software from official websites only as it is your best bet to reduce the risk of getting your PC infected with some unwanted or potentially malicious application. Furthermore, implement a reliable malware detection and removal tool, if you wish to have a secure system at all times. This kind of antispyware tool would warn you about any potentially harmful installer as well as about any suspicious websites.
What does Websearch.a-searchpage.info do?
As soon as this intrusive browser hijacker enters your operating system some default setting of your web browser will be altered. It is important to note that Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome are all affected by the Websearch.a-searchpage.info hijacker. The settings that will be altered are the default home page and search engine; these will be switched to websearch.a-searchpage.info.
Keep in mind that even though the search page might seem normal and legitimate, there are certain risks that it promotes, if you decide to use it. If you search for anything within the websearch.a-searchpage.info website, you will be redirected to Google.com. It is important to note that the redirection to Google.com is not the main concern here. The alarming thing is that creators of this hijacker might decide to change this redirection to some unknown, potentially malicious third-party website. Do not use the provided search engine under any circumstances, as it could have devastating outcomes, to say the least. It is not surprising at all that Websearch.a-searchpage.info must be removed urgently, if virtual security is important to you.
How to remove Websearch.a-searchpage.info?
The removal process of it is rather simple if you follow the instructions closely. It is very important to remove the Websearch.a-searchpage.info hijacker completely as just a few leftover files could trigger a silent restoration process. Install a reliable antimalware tool which will ensure that every bit of Websearch.a-searchpage.info is removed entirely and will protect your PC form other Internet-based infections in the future.
How to delete Websearch.a-searchpage.info from your PC
Delete from Google Chrome
- Launch the browser and tap Alt+F simultaneously.
- Select Settings from the menu on the left and then locate the On Startup section.
- Mark Open a specific page or set of pages and click Set pages.
- Now Replace the unwanted URL and then click OK.
- Under the Appearance section and check Show Home button.
- Click Change and replace the malicious URL with a new website, click OK.
- Go to Search and click Manage search engines. Choose a new default search provider.
- Click X over the search engine you wish to remove and select Done.
Delete from Mozilla Firefox:
- Open your browser and click the search icon on the search box.
- Select Manage Search Engines... and then remove the malicious search engine. Click OK.
- Tap Alt+T to open the Tools menu and select Options.
- Replace the unwanted URL with a website of your choice.
Delete from Internet Explorer:
- Open the browser, tap Alt+T and select Manage Add-ons.
- Go to Search Providers and choose a new default search provider.
- Now remove the malicious search provider.
- Tap Alt+T and select Internet Options.
- Click the General tab, and replace the Home Page URL with a new one then click OK.
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