What is Wannacry 3.0 Ransomware?
Wannacry 3.0 ransomware is the latest version of the damaging infection that made news in May 2017 when over 200,000 computer in 150 countries were compromised. The Wannacry 3.0 ransomware should be removed from the computer without a doubt. There is no point in following the demands displayed by some remote attackers to pay a ransom fee in order to regain access to encrypted files. Nobody can guarantee that the attackers will keep their promise. Wannacry 3.0 ransomware is a dangerous threat, and interested readers are invited to continue reading to learn more about this devastating infection.
The first attempt to encrypt hundreds and thousands of computers were recorded on May 12, 2017 when the Wannacry worm, also dubbed Wanna Crypt0r, Wana Decrypt0r, and Wry, attacked corporate computers, including Spain's Telefonica, FedEX, Renault, and the UK’s National Health Service,, which experienced serious issues as the staff had to cancel appointments with patients until the affected computers were fixed to work as usual. The Wanna Cry ransomware was soon experimentally shut down by registering the domain address to which the infection attempted to connect, which is regarded as the kill switch. If the infection connects successfully, it stops the attack. The attack was stopped after spotting domain addresses in the malware code, and the same was done with the latest variant Wannacry 3.0, when the address ifferfsodp9ifjaposdfjhgosurijfaewrwergwea.com was found to be working as a kill switch. The domain was detected and immediately registered to prevent further spread.
How does Wannacry 3.0 ransomware work?
As has just been mention, the Wannacry 3.0 ransomware attempts to connect to an unregistered domain. Once it fails to do so, it scans the system for multiple files, which include most commonly used ones, such as .doc, .png, .txt, .mp4, etc. The encrypted files cannot be opened, and they can be recognized by the file extension .wcry which follows the already existing file extension.
The infection also drops its ransom notes in the form of a .txt file, the name of which could vary. The ransom note contains information detailed instructions of how to regain access to the encrypted files. According to the ransom message, the victim has to pay a $300-$600 fee in the Bitcoin currency, which is not owned and managed by any bank, so all the transactions are untraceable. To convince the victim to pay a ransom fee, the attackers promise to decrypt several files. It is crucial to ignore the suggestion to decrypt some files since there is no guarantee that all the encrypted data will be restored after submitting the fee. The FBI and other law enforcement institutions working on this cyber attack also recommend disregarding the demand to pay the money required not to encourage the attackers to develop their malware. Instead of paying the money, it is important to remove the Wannacry 3.0 ransomware and take preventative measure.
How to prevent Wannacry 3.0 and other ransomware
Microsoft advise their clients to keep their operating systems updated and, most important, install the latest security patch. Software should also be updated regularly so that no threats can find access to the OS through software vulnerabilities. Backing up valuable information to a seperate system, such as an external storage disk, is crucial too so that the backed up data could be restored in case of infection. Additionally, clicking on links in unsolicited emails or emails sent by unknown people may lead to malware installation, so it is important to be vigilant about questionable emails that might be sent by cyber attackers.
How to remove Wannacry 3.0 ransomware?
The easiest way to remove the Wannacry 3.0 ransomsare is to install a reputable anti-malware program. Not only would you have the ransomware removed, but all other files causing harm to the overall performance of the system would be deleted. Moreover, the system would be protected against future malware attackers. You can also try removing the Wannacry 3.0 ransomware manually, but you should keep in mind that you make changes on your computer at your own risk. Our removal guide should help you eliminate the unwanted infection from the PC.
Remove Wannacry 3.0 ransomware
- Check every folder containing encrypted files and delete the .exe file of the malware.
- Access the %WINDIR% directory, which is usually C:\Windows, and delete tasksche.exe.
- Check the directories %ALLUSERSPROFILE% and %APPDATA% for randomly named folders. If a randomly named folder contains the file tasksche.exe, remove the whole folder.
- Delete all recently downloaded files.
- Empty the Recycle bin.
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