What is Wallet Ransomware?
The name Wallet Ransomware can be used to identify many different versions of one single threat. You might recognize this malware by a different name, but if the extension attached to the files that it encrypts is in the “.[email address].wallet” format, there is no doubt that we are talking about the same infection. This dangerous malware awaits its victims in the spam emails that might look completely inconspicuous. If the message of the corrupted email tricks you into opening the file attached to it, you might not even recognize that a malicious threat was executed because it is highly stealthy. Of course, if you realize that something is not right when the file does not open or when it does not show what you expect, you should remove it right away. In the best case scenario, you will do that before the encryption of your files is initiated. If you allow the threat to run wild because you do not recognize it, you are likely big to realize that malware has invaded your PC only after the ransomware reveals itself or when you find that your personal files cannot be opened. We can show you how to delete Wallet Ransomware, but before that, you need to read the report to understand how this threat works.
How does Wallet Ransomware work?
Wallet Ransomware can be discovered by looking at the extension it attaches to the corrupted files. The extension should also include a unique email address, which gives away the version of this malware. One of the examples is the Mk.liukang@aol.com Ransomware, which uses mk.liukang@aol.com as the primary means of contact. The main reason for the infection to attach the unique extension is to provide you with some information. As soon as you find the extension attached, you can rest assured that that file is encrypted. Also, in case you remove the files that the ransomware creates to provide you with additional information, you always know how to communicate with its creators. According to the research conducted by Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers, Wallet Ransomware can create three files named “INFORMATION HOW DECRyourPC.txt”, “INFORMATION HOW DECRyourPC.jpg”, and “how to decrypt your files.jpg”. All of these files represent the same message, which is that you need to email cyber criminals if you want to decrypt your personal files. Needless to say, they need you to initiate contact so that they would know that your PC was infected and that you need to have your files decrypted.
The devious Wallet Ransomware uses the RSA-2048 encryption method, and it appears to have been built using the CrySIS Ransomware engine. As some readers might know, Ecovector3@aol.com Ransomware, Vegclass@aol.com Ransomware, and hundreds of other malicious threats have been created using this engine. Unfortunately, these threats are very strong, and no tool has managed to crack the keys used by them. As you can guess already, that means that the option provided to you by cyber criminals is your only option. This is why we hope that your personal files are backed up. If they are, you should delete the malicious ransomware and then replace the corrupted files with backup copies. If your files are not backed up, paying the ransom truly is your only option, but we cannot recommend going with it. What if you waste your money for nothing? After all, we are talking about cyber criminals here, and who can say that they will keep their promise to provide you with a decryptor?
How to delete Wallet Ransomware
Although the manual removal below might seem a little scary, you should be able to remove Wallet Ransomware using it. If you are stuck with any of the steps shown to you, post a comment below so that we could help you, or install an anti-malware tool that will automatically eliminate this dangerous infection from your computer. Needless to say, if you want to keep your operating system malware-free in the future, this is the tool you need to install anyway. If you choose to stick with manual removal, do not forget that your operating system needs protection. And it needs it now! Also, if you have not backed up your files already, do so immediately to ensure that you avoid losing them in the future.
Removal Instructions
- Right-click and Delete the malicious .exe file you downloaded from a spam email.
- Launch RUN by tapping Win+R and enter regedit.exe into the dialog box.
- Move to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop.
- Open the Wallpaper value and erase the data in the value data field.
- Move to HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Wallpapers.
- Open the BackgroundHistoryPath0 value and then erase the data in the value data field.
- Move to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Delete the {unknown name} value that represents the malicious .exe file in the value data field.
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