What is VBRANSOM Ransomware?
The suspicious VBRANSOM Ransomware has not been fully developed yet, and, according to Anti-Spyware-101.com malware researchers, it is unlikely that this threat will reach the intended potential. Obviously, the creator of this malware was creating a file encryptor; however, for whatever reason, this did not work out. It appears that this infection is incapable of encrypting personal files, and so it if it has invaded your operating system (unlikely to happen), you should not rush to pay the ransom that might be requested via an intimidating message. All in all, though you might not need to waste one penny when this ransomware invades, getting it deleted might be challenging. The removal of VBRANSOM Ransomware is discussed in this report, and we recommend reading it thoroughly. If you come up with any questions for our malware researchers, post them in the comments section below.
How does VBRANSOM Ransomware work?
According to recent analysis, VBRANSOM Ransomware might spread via spam emails, which is the method of distribution used by Cerber Ransomware, Kaandsona Ransomware, Hakunamatata Ransomware, and other ransomware infections. Of course, we should not compare the threat we are discussing with such dangerous infections because it has not reached their level. The current version – and, hopefully, the only version – is incapable of encrypting your personal files. If the infection started encrypting files, it should add the “.VBRANSOM” extension to them. Afterward, a window with the ransom note should show up as well. Our researchers warn that an audio message should be heard alongside warning you that your personal files were encrypted. Obviously, that is meant to get your attention, as well as to intimidate you. The ransom note itself might instruct you to install a Tor Browser and visit a website pushing to pay a ransom. Because the window representing this note cannot be closed easily, you might have issues assessing the “damages.” Well, if you are informed about the encryption of personal data, you should always check out for yourself if your files were truly encrypted.
The ransom note represented by VBRANSOM Ransomware might introduce you to this warning: “Don’t try to Kill,Delete and shutdown VBRANSOM If you Do We will Make Your Computer Unbootable and the encrypted data cannot be decrypted anymore.” This warning is unlikely to have any validity, and it might be used just to make you believe that your only option is to follow the instructions provided to you. This is something you should keep in mind whenever you are facing malware. The information and the threats presented to you might be fictitious and misleading, which is why you always need to research the infections you face before you do anything. If you do not follow this rule of thumb, you could end up paying a ransom for an infection that is incapable of encrypting your personal files in the first place. Even if you find your files encrypted, you do not need to follow the instructions of malicious cyber criminals, especially if you consider that they might leave you empty-handed even if you do as told.
How to delete VBRANSOM Ransomware
VBRANSOM Ransomware might emerge as a real infection, or it might remain just another failed experiment by inexperienced cyber criminals. If your operating system gets infected by this malware, the first thing you should do is inspect your operating system to make sure that your files were actually encrypted. Unfortunately, the only way to do that would be to kill the malicious process via Task Manager because you need to get rid of the ransom note window that cannot be closed normally. If you terminate the infection, you might not be able to go back to the ransom note, which means that you might lose your chance of paying the ransom in case the encryption of your files is real. Hopefully, your files are backed up, and you do not need to worry about malicious file-encrypting threats. You also should employ trustworthy security software to ensure that malware cannot attack in the first place.
Removal Instructions
- Launch Task Manager by tapping Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys on the keyboard.
- Click the Processes tab to find all active processes.
- Find and select the malicious process and then click End process/End task.
- Right-click and Delete the malicious .exe file (note that you can find the location of this file by right-clicking the malicious file and analyzing the data in the file’s Properties).
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