What is TurkStatik Ransomware?
New file-encrypting threats keep emerging, and TurkStatik Ransomware is one of them. This infection was created with Turkish-speaking Windows users in mind because the message that the attackers introduce to their victims is in Turkish. Does that mean that the infection is likely to be spread via Turkish websites? That is a possibility, but it is most likely that it would be sent via email or by exploiting the existing system or software vulnerabilities. Without a doubt, whenever you are warned that the email you received is spam, you want to be very careful with it. If you can immediately tell that it was sent to you by someone you do not know, you should remove this message without hesitation. However, note that cybercriminals might hijack legitimate accounts to spread malware too. You also want to install all updates in time. Hopefully, you can still protect yourself against the dangerous infection, but if you need to delete TurkStatik Ransomware from your operating system, you should not hesitate to do it as soon as possible. The most important thing is that you do not pay attention to the attackers’ demands.
How does TurkStatik Ransomware work?
TurkStatik Ransomware can encrypt files in any location on your operating system, and while it is meant to ignore system files, it can encrypt photos, video and music files, documents, archives, and other personal files. When they are encrypted, the “.ciphered” extension is added. If you see this extension appended to your personal file, it is unlikely that you will be able to open it normally. Should you delete the extension? That is unnecessary because, in fact, you need to change the data of the file, and that is not something you can do manually. That is why threats like ABCD Ransomware, DeathRansom Ransomware, Msop Ransomware, and others can be very lucrative. If the victim cannot restore the files themselves, they might be tricked into following the advice and instructions presented by cybercriminals. In the case of the malicious TurkStatik Ransomware, these instructions are presented using a ransom note file named “README_DONT_DELETE.txt.” You should be able to find copies of this file next to the encrypted files, and we recommend that you remove them all without paying attention to them.
We always advise victims of ransomware to pay no attention to the presented demands because even though the attackers might promise to provide decryption software or services, their promises simply cannot be trusted. According to the promises made by TurkStatik Ransomware, victims can recover their files if they contact the attackers (at decservice@mail.ru or recoverydbservice@protonmail.com) and pay the ransom. Not many details are included about the ransom in the original message, but you are likely to receive it if you agree to contact the attackers. First of all, doing that is very risky because once cybercriminals know your email address, they can contact you over and over again, which might lead to the exposure of new scams. Second, you do not need to take any risks with TurkStatik Ransomware because a free decryptor already exists. It is called TurkStatic Decryptor, and it should be able to help you out. If that does not work out, perhaps you can rely on copies of your personal files stored in backup?
How to delete TurkStatik Ransomware
All in all, if you live in Turkey, and if your operating system is not protected in the most efficient manner, you need to look out for the dangerous TurkStatik Ransomware. Even though a free decryptor appears to exist, a new variant of the infection could be created, or it could be replaced by another malicious file-encryptor. You are never completely safe, and so you need to take all security measures. First, we advise installing reliable anti-malware software. If you do that, you will not need to remove TurkStatik Ransomware yourself as the software will do it automatically. Hopefully, you will not need to worry about your system’s security either because the tool will take care of it for you. If you are more interested in manual removal, check out the instructions below, but note that we cannot know the launcher’s location on your computer. You will need to find and delete this file yourself. Second, we advise creating copies of all of your personal files. Store them online or on external drives, and if malware corrupts the original files, you will always have replacements at hand.
Removal Instructions
- Delete the [unknown name].exefile that could have executed the infection. A few potential locations:
- %TEMP%
- %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
- In the %TEMP% directory, also Delete the file named windows.dll.
- Find and Delete the file named README_DONT_DELETE.txt. Erase all copies of this file.
- Empty Recycle Bin and then quickly employ a legitimate malware scanner to further inspect the system.
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