
What is Trojan.DarktrackRAT?

Trojan.DarktrackRAT is a malicious infection that was released a few years ago, but we believe that it could be used as a base for other RAT types of malware, and thus it is necessary to discuss it. As you can clearly tell from its name, this Trojan is a Remote Access Trojan. It means that it can perform a number of actions on the infected system. For the most part, these Trojans are used to spy on the affected systems and steal important data. Therefore, the sooner you remove Trojan.DarktrackRAT from your computer, the better.testtesttesttest

Where does Trojan.DarktrackRAT come from?

Trojan.DarktrackRAT has an interesting back-story. After all, we wouldn’t expect this dangerous infection to be distributed for free, right? But that’s actually the point behind it.

A malware coder under the name Luckyduck created and distributed Trojan.DarktrackRAT for free. Computer security experts say that free infections of such kind are often incomplete, and they can be easily detected by security programs. However, this doesn’t apply to Trojan.DarktrackRAT.

Security researchers say that this Trojan is just as good as commercial RAT infections that are available in the malware market for a steep price. Why would the researcher offer this supposedly functional infection for free?

Well, only the creator itself could answer that, but we can easily look at it from the marketing perspective. When you create a new product, you face certain challenges if you want to distribute it. There will always be more well-established products in the market, and your new product will find it harder to squeeze in even if it is cheaper. But, if you offer it for free, people would be more willingly to try it out. After all, what’s there to lose, it’s free, right?

It is actually quite a common tactic. When you build your customer base on a free product, you can later introduce an upgraded version of the initial product for a price. And if the customers liked the initial product, the chances are they will stay with you even if they have to pay for it. So, that might be one of the reasons Trojan.DarktrackRAT is distributed for free.

What does Trojan.DarktrackRAT do?

Although this Trojan comes for free and it its developer makes use of social media and the Internet to promote it, Trojan.DarktrackRAT works just as well as other commercial RAT models. During our research, we have found that the initial package is full of features that might give other well-known RATs a run for their money.

For instance, Trojan.DarktrackRAT can connect to remote computers and infiltrate their file systems. It can also spy through webcams, log keystrokes, and even launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Of course, one single infection will not do EVERYTHING, but it just means that the program can perform such tasks if the person controlling it commands it to.

If that weren’t enough, Trojan.DarktrackRAT can also interact with your task schedule and monitor your system. It can edit the hosts file and Windows Registry, and it can execute commands on the infected systems. To put it simply, it can take control of your system without you even realizing it. That is why security experts are baffled by this infection. It is offered for free, but it can do so much!

We do know that by now the Luckyduck website has been shut down, but it doesn’t mean that people who got the sample of Trojan.DarktrackRAT, before it was shut down, wouldn’t use it to infect systems or develop new infections. We always have to be on the lookout for new infections because they could spring up from anywhere.

How do I remove Trojan.DarktrackRAT?

If you do not know whether your system has been infected with this Trojan or not, run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner. If the scanner finds more than just one infection on your system, make sure you remove them all automatically.

Manual removal is not recommended unless you are an experienced user. Also, let’s not forget that by investing in a security tool, you would protect your system from similar intruders in the future. Just please keep your security tool updated (enabling the automatic update feature would be beneficial) so that it would have the latest malware definitions.

Manual Trojan.DarktrackRAT Removal

  1. Press Win+R and enter %WinDir%. Press OK.
  2. Remove the DtServ32.exe file and open System32.
  3. Delete the DtServ32.exe file and press Win+R.
  4. Type %AppData% into the Open box and click OK.
  5. Remove the DtServ32.exe file.
  6. Run a full system scan. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Trojan.DarktrackRAT*

Stop these Trojan.DarktrackRAT Processes:

Darktrack 4.1 Beta.exe
Mescaline Multi File Binder.exe

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