What is TotalWipeOut Ransomware?
At the moment, TotalWipeOut Ransomware cannot wipe out your personal files, but it is built as a file-encryptor, and so it would be a mistake to underestimate this infection. Anti-Spyware-101.com research team has recently obtained a sample of this malware, and it was tested in our internal lab. The conclusion: It is not a threat yet, but it could be upgraded to attack Windows systems and encrypt files. This is why we must discuss this threat and, of course, its removal. If you do not know what to think about this infection, and you have no idea how to get rid of it, you should keep reading this report. We show how to delete TotalWipeOut Ransomware from the operating system, and we provide you with tips that should help you keep malicious infections away in the future. Don’t forget that while you might be most interested in eliminating the ransomware at this point, it is crucial that you take into account that securing your operating system is the most important task.
How does TotalWipeOut Ransomware work?
Spam emails, file-sharing websites, installers, links, and advertisements can all be used to expose users to the launcher of TotalWipeOut Ransomware. Most ransomware infections act like Trojans, as only believable disguises can help trick targets into letting them in. On the other hand, there are threats that can download malware without the user’s knowledge at all, and we cannot dismiss the possibility that an infection that is active on your operating system has silently downloaded the ransomware along with other threats. If you want to be sure that this is not what has happened, you will install a malware scanner and perform a full system inspection. Hopefully, you do not need to worry about the removal of other threats, but if you are informed that infections exist, you need to make sure you delete them all as soon as possible. Of course, it would be great if you erased TotalWipeOut Ransomware right away as well. If you do not discover this infection quickly, it might encrypt many of your personal files. Our researchers have found that the threat can encrypt 178 different kinds of files.
When TotalWipeOut Ransomware encrypts files, it attaches “.TW” at the end of the names, and that is why the threat might be recognized as TW Ransomware too. After encryption, the infection launches a window with the same message represented in nine languages. The first version is in English, and the message informs that files were encrypted and that a ransom of 1 XMR is expected. According to the ransom note, 1 XMR is $200, but at the time of research, 1 Monero converted to 110 USD. At the time of research, it was not possible to pay the ransom, and that might be because the infection is still being developed. That being said, if you encountered TotalWipeOut Ransomware, and you thought that the price to get your files decrypted was not that big, taking action right away is a bad idea. Remember that cyber criminals are unlikely to help you. Of course, even if you cannot get your files decrypted, you must remove the infection.
How to delete TotalWipeOut Ransomware
The removal of TotalWipeOut Ransomware can be very simple, but that depends on the situation completely. Let’s say you are inexperienced, you do not know where the launcher file is, and you have no idea how to protect your operating system. If that is the situation, you want to install trustworthy anti-malware software because it can simultaneously delete TotalWipeOut Ransomware and other threats, as well as reinforce protection. You must be looking at the bigger picture always when it comes to your virtual security, and if you want to make sure that malicious threats cannot invade, you have to protect it appropriately. That is easy to do if you choose to use reliable anti-malware software. Are you ready to tackle the infection? We hope that you are, but if you have any concerns or you want to ask us questions, note that the comments section is open.
Removal Instructions
- Right-click the .exe file you believe to be the launcher of the file.
- Select Delete to eliminate this file and then Empty Recycle Bin.
- Install a trustworthy malware scanner to inspect your system for leftovers.
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