What is Thewowfeed.com?
You do not want to have to deal with advertisements presented via Thewowfeed.com because this ad server is unlikely to offer anything useful, transparent, or trustworthy. Instead, it is likely to promote the services and products of parties that cannot be trusted, and that is why we suggest exiting the page that presents such ads as soon as possible. Unfortunately, some people are tricked into enabling notifications that are delivered by the ad server. If that is set up, ads can flood randomly, even when you are visiting trustworthy websites. Of course, you might be able to delete the pop-up ads by closing them, but they would reappear. Ignoring them might be difficult as well, given their distracting nature. Without a doubt, interacting with these ads is the worst choice. The good news is that you can remove Thewowfeed.com ads without having to put in too much effort. If you run Firefox, Chrome, or Edge, we can show you how to get rid of the annoying ads with the guides below. If you need a guide for a different browser, let us know.
How does Thewowfeed.com work?
Thewowfeed.com functions just like Pushark.info, Lbenjamiemai.info, Liansatrickth.info, Aminedreg.info, and all other well-known ad servers that were created for the sole purpose of delivering ads. They rely on the push notifications feature to deliver ads constantly, and they often use sneaky tactics to trick people into enabling this feature. For example, you might be redirected to a page on Thewowfeed.com after trying to watch movies or TV shows for free. Obviously, such a service is illegal, but because the demand for free streaming services is high, unreliable parties can exploit it to expose people to random demands, notifications, and also advertisements. So, if you tried streaming some movie or TV show, the ad server might have used that opportunity to ask you to allow notifications. As the screenshot shows, the request might be supported by such a message: “Click the <> button to subscribe to the push notifications and continue watching.” If you have clicked that button, you now might be trying to delete a bunch of ads. Note that a malware scanner might identify the enabled notifications as Adware Helpers.
Even if you are not bothered by an onslaught of random news headlines, scandalous images, and offers based on your recent browsing history, keep in mind that interacting with these distracting notifications can be extremely risky. Needless to say, Thewowfeed.com was not created to fulfill the needs of trusted and transparent advertisers. Instead, it is likely to be exploited by unreliable parties that cannot use legitimate advertising platforms. And who is likely to use the suspicious ad server? We have to think about schemers, malware distributors, and parties that might be trying to boost traffic to unreliable websites. Even if the ads do not look harmless, and if you are routed to websites that look legitimate, remember that you could end up dealing with something dangerous. If you have interacted with any ads already, you also need to think about what might have happened. For example, did you download anything that might require removal? Did you let in cookies that might be collecting and leaking sensitive data?
How to remove Thewowfeed.com
Ad servers might seem harmless, but they can be very dangerous if you interact with them. For example, when you enable the notifications by Thewowfeed.com, you open a floodgate for all kinds of ads, and they could be both annoying and dangerous. Note that even malicious ads can look harmless and even attractive, which is why you should not interact with any of them. Obviously, you cannot escape ads when you are online, but you can definitely eliminate ads that are not trustworthy. To delete Thewowfeed.com ads, it should be enough to disable notifications. The manual removal instructions right below show how to do that on three of the most popular browsers. If ads continue to flood, do not hesitate to implement anti-malware software that will examine the operating system and automatically delete any malicious elements that might exist. Keep this software up-to-date, and it will continue protecting you forever.
Removal Guide
Mozilla Firefox
- Launch the browser and enter about:preferences#privacy into the address bar.
- Move to the History menu and then click Clear History.
- Choose the time range and the boxes you want and then click OK.
- Move to the Permissions menu, go to Notifications, and click Settings.
- Select the URL of the ad server and click Remove Website.
Google Chrome
- Launch the browser and enter chrome://settings/content into the address bar.
- Move to the Permissions menu and click Notifications.
- Find the URL of the ad server, click the three dots on the right, and click Remove.
- Enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData into the address bar.
- Move to the Advanced menu.
- Choose the time range and the boxes you want and then click Clear data.
Microsoft Edge
- Launch the browser and enter edge://settings/content/notifications into the address bar.
- Move to the Notifications menu.
- Find the URL of the ad server, click the three dots on the right, and click Remove.
- Enter edge://settings/clearBrowserData into the address bar.
- Choose the time range and the boxes you want and then click Clear now.
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