What is Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware?
If you find all files, except those having the .exe filename extension, encrypted on your computer, it means that Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware is inside the system. It is 100% true if these files which you cannot open have received a filename extension .Thedon78@mail.com. Some people call this ransomware infection FenixLocker, but specialists have decided to call it Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware due to the email address it uses and the extension it appends to files it encrypts. Even though this infection has a new name, it does not differ from older similar ransomware infections, e.g. Centrumfr@india.com Ransomware at all because it has also been created to lock users’ files and obtain money from them. If you are one of those users who have found all files locked, you should not worry too much because the decryption tool which can be freely downloaded from the web has been recently developed by specialists. Go to download it from the web but do not forget that the decryption of files will only be effective if you fully remove Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware. If you do not do that, you might accidentally launch the malicious file and thus get your files all encrypted one more time. We are sure you do not wish this to happen again, so we have asked our specialists to help you get rid of this threat. Continue reading to find out what they have to say about the removal of this malicious application.
What does Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware do?
Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware is a dangerous threat because it targets the most valuable files. As the previous experience of specialists shows, people often decide to pay money to cyber criminals in order to be able to unlock music files, pictures, and documents. Some of them also do that to continue using their programs. Since Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware does not encrypt .exe files, it should not ruin many applications. Of course, if a program has many files having extensions Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware encrypts, it might become unusable. In such a case, you could reinstall the program after the removal of Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware. You should go to implement the removal of this ransomware infection no matter you are going to write an email to cyber crooks as the message in the ransom note Help to decrypt.txt (ransomware leaves it on PC after the encryption of files) tells you to do and then pay a ransom or not. As you already know after reading the first paragraph, it is known that the decryption tool exists, so go to download it from the web ONLY after the removal of this malicious software.
Before going to unlock files having the Thedon78@mail.com filename extension, you should go to delete the malicious application from your PC first. It will not be a piece of cake to remove it, but, according to researchers, it is not that hard to do that too if compared to the removal process of similar infections. It is not very difficult to get rid of it because it does not lock the screen like other ransomware infections do, does not change Desktop background, and does not create its point of execution (PoE). Of course, it does not mean that it does not do anything because it encrypts files the moment it successfully infiltrates the computer.
Where does Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware come from?
There are several methods to distribute ransomware infections, for example, they might be waiting for users on malicious websites or pretend to be useful software. Of course, the most popular way to disseminate these infections is to spread malicious files installing them as spam email attachments. These files are made to look harmless, so users open them without realizing that they might be dangerous or install malware. Do not go anywhere near the spam mail folder in the future because a new malware can sneak onto your computer again. If you do not think that you could prevent threats from sneaking onto the computer alone, you should let an automatic tool help you. Go to install a reputable tool if you do not have one yet. According to our security specialists, every user who connects to the Internet needs to acquire and keep reputable security software installed.
How to delete Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware
Ransomware infections are usually hard to erase, but it is not the case with Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware. Researchers have found that this threat will be gone when a user finds and removes the malicious file launched and then eliminates ransom notes (Help to decrypt.txt) left by this infection. It would be quicker to let an automatic tool to take care of this threat for you, but if you are eager to eliminate it yourself, follow the step-by-step instructions you find below this report.
Delete Thedon78@mail.com Ransomware manually
- Locate the malicious file (it should be located in %TEMP%, %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, or on Desktop).
- Select it and then press the Delete button to remove it.
- Locate all ransom notes Help to decrypt.txt (they are placed in directories containing encrypted files).
- Delete them.
- Clear the Recycle bin after removing all those components of the ransomware infection.
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