What is SymmyWare Ransomware?
What are you supposed to do when SymmyWare Ransomware attacks your system and your personal files? This is what most victims of this malware think about when they encounter this malicious file-encryptor. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done. The threat uses an encryption algorithm that cannot be deciphered that easily, and, ideally, a decryption key is required. Who has it? The creator of this monster, of course. So, how are you planning on getting the key? There is only one option, and that is to pay a ransom that is requested. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to get the key even if you pay the ransom successfully. Why? That is because the creators of malware are the scum of this earth, and they do not care about anything else but money. So, have you paid the ransom already? Are you still thinking about it? In any case, you need to delete SymmyWare Ransomware, and our Anti-Spyware-101.com research team is here to help you with all removal steps.
How does SymmyWare Ransomware work?
SymmyWare Ransomware is not a unique infection. In many ways, it is identical to Qinynore Ransomware, Suri Ransomware, PTP Ransomware, and a ton of other infections. That is because they were all created using the Hidden Tear code. It is publically available to anyone, which is why it is not possible to know who has used it or how many times they used it. That being said, every infection is built individually, which is why the ransom note might be unique – depending on the creator behind it – and the extension attached to corrupted files (.SYMMYWARE) is unique too. Furthermore, different parties might use different distribution techniques. All in all, when it slithers in, SymmyWare Ransomware encrypts all kinds of personal files (only evading those in "Windows," "Program Files," and "Program Files (x86)" folders). The files cannot be restored by removing the added extension or by deleting the threat itself, which is what creates the most problems. This is what pushes victims into a corner.
If you do not have backups, and you are basically desperate to get your files back, you might think that you have one option. Using the message delivered via the SYMMYWARE.TXT file, the creator of the malicious SymmyWare Ransomware wants to convince all victims that they can get the decryption key and a special "decoder" by paying a ransom in Bitcoins, a crypto-currency used by most ransomware developers. It is suggested that if the victim contacted simmyware@protonmail.ch after the payment, they would get the decryptor right away. You should not think that that is how things would turn out. More likely, you would send the payment, email cyber criminals, and not hear from them again. Is that what you want? We are sure that it is not, but if you are stuck in terms of your files, you might take the wrong steps. Be cautious about that. In any scenario, you need to remove SymmyWare Ransomware at the end.
How to delete SymmyWare Ransomware
There is no need to discuss further how scary the malicious SymmyWare Ransomware is. Although it is quite simple in its structure, it is powerful in the damage it creates. Once files are successfully encrypted, they cannot be freed. The decryptor that the developer of the infection offers in return for a ransom might not even exist, and paying the ransom is not something we can recommend doing. The only thing we recommend is removing SymmyWare Ransomware. If you know where to find the launcher that requires removal, you should be able to delete the threat all on your own. If you are lost, and you lack experience, your best bet would be to install anti-malware software. Even if you are more experienced, you should use this software for protection purposes. Another thing that can save you from ransomware is backup. Have your most personal and important files backed up externally, and you will not need to worry about the damage caused by vicious ransomware again.
Removal Instructions
- Find and Delete the launcherof the ransomware. It could lurk here:
- %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
- %TEMP%
- Delete these malicious files in the %TEMP%directory:
- [unknown name].tmp
- [unknown name].bat
- Delete the malicious [unknown name].exe file in the local drive (C:\).
- Empty Recycle Bin and then quickly perform a full system scan using a malware scanner.
N.B. To access any of the directories listed in our guide, launch Explorer (tap Win+E keys) and enter the path to the directory into the field at the very top.
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Stop these SymmyWare Ransomware Processes: