What is Sumnum?
Sumnum does not present streaming services. It cannot show sports events. It certainly cannot be trusted. All of this might be a surprise to those who have been tricked into thinking that this potentially unwanted program (PUP) is a reliable and useful tool. Of course, once the program is installed, it does not do anything that was promised, and so it should not be hard to understand that it is useless and, potentially, malicious. In fact, this PUP was never intended to be a useful program, and it appears that the only goals it has are to record as much information as possible, help third parties get that information, and then showcase third-party content, which might include advertisements. Do you want to be exposed to all that? If you do not, delete Sumnum without further hesitation. Read this report first to learn what kinds of problems you might have brought upon yourself by letting this PUP in.
How does Sumnum work?
Have you downloaded Sumnum from http://yearlia.com/yearliator12?utm_source=zeropark? According to our research team, this is the home page of the suspicious PUP, and it was set up by Yearlia Ltd. Have you found this page on your own or were you redirected to it without your consent? If you were redirected to this page, there is a great possibility that malicious software capable of rerouting you to random pages automatically exists. If that is the case, you must remove this software immediately. Now, in most cases, users land on this page via pop-ups that they click on, which proves that users need to be extremely cautious when interacting with random links, promotions, installers, and pop-ups. Of course, right now, the installer on the page does not exist because the installer on the Chrome web store (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sumnum/ggeippiiiinbodgbaoblgidkbbmcllil) does not exist either. Why this installer was disabled is unknown, but, of course, that should reduce the spreading of the PUP. Overall, regardless of how it got in, it is possible that Sumnum was installed along with malware that requires removal, and so before you do anything else, you should perform a full system scan.
The Sumnum’s Privacy Policy – which you can find at http://yearlia.com/privacy-page.php man – is a very important source of information that, unfortunately, not many users take into consideration. If you checked this document before installing the program (if you installed it yourself), it is unlikely that you would have done it. That is because the statement reveals the collection of personally identifiable information, connections to unknown parties, and the representation of sponsored third-party content. Do you trust a program that can disclose personal information to parties you know nothing about? Also, do you want a program that can showcase advertisements and third-party content? While you might be willing to put up with this for certain services and tools (only if they are legitimate, trustworthy, and harmless!), Sumnum is absolutely, 100% useless, and so putting your virtual security on the line for it is a terrible idea. Hopefully, this serves as a reminder that you must do some research and analyze privacy policies before you install anything onto your PC and browsers.
How to remove Sumnum
Anti-Spyware-101.com malware researchers cannot think of one reason to keep Sumnum running because it is a potentially unwanted application that was designed to assist its creator and unknown third parties. You will not have a single use for this unreliable extension! You can remove Sumnum manually using the guide below, but this option suits only those who know that their operating systems will be completely clean once this PUP is gone. Is your operating system beleaguered with malware and other potentially unwanted programs? You can learn this with the help of a legitimate malware scanner. If you find threats that you cannot successfully eliminate yourself, employing an anti-malware tool to have all of these threats erased automatically is a good idea. The right tool will also protect you against malware in the future, and so if you are anxious about your virtual security, you should install anti-malware software without further delay.
Delete Sumnum from Google Chrome
- Open the browser and tap keys Alt+F.
- Choose More tools and then click Extensions.
- Find the unwanted add-on and click the recycle bin next to it.
- Select Remove and then immediately perform a full system scan to see if leftovers exist.
tested removal of Sumnum* 100% FREE spyware scan and