Storm Search

What is Storm Search?

Storm Search is an extension that you can add to Google Chrome. It is, of course, free, and you can find it at Of course, it does not mean that you should jump to install something just because it is available and accessible. First, you need to understand how the tool/service works and you need to figure out whether or not it is useful to you. researchers do not believe that the supposedly beneficial search tool is all that great, and if you keep on reading, you will learn why we advise deleting it from your web browser without hesitation. Are you interested in removing Storm Search already? If you are, scroll down to find the paragraph that discusses the different options you have. If you are not sure if you want to get rid of the extension – which we classify as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) – keep reading. Should questions come up, have no hesitation to add them as comments.test

How does Storm Search work?

If you have downloaded Storm Search already, it would be interesting to learn how exactly you were introduced to this extension. Did you find it because you were looking to enhance your searches? Did you come across it when visiting an unrelated website that redirected you to the launcher’s page or presented an ad that contained a link to this page? Perhaps you did not want to install Storm Search at all, but you found it attached to something more desirable, and then you did not take the opportunity to decline the addition? Whatever the case might be, you have to think about it. Perhaps the next logical move is to scan your system for additional threats that might require removal? We do recommend that especially if you know that you installed something else along with the PUP. Of course, even if you installed it on its own, and a legitimate malware scanner did not find anything else, you must not ignore this PUP. First of all, it is not useful. Once you install it, it changes your usual default search provider to This tool does not present original search results. Instead, it redirects.

When we analyzed Storm Search, we noticed that it was redirecting to Google. Soon after that, it switched to Yahoo. However, according to the description next to the installer on the Chrome Web Store, it is meant to redirect to Bing. Clearly, there is no consistence with this PUP, and that is not a good sign. The second reason we recommend deleting Storm Search is that it is not very trustworthy. Yes, at the time of research, it did not modify the results shown on Yahoo or Google, but that could change at any time. The Privacy Policy at informs that The PUP reserves the right to allow third parties show ads using Storm Search. Also, the statement reveals that various data-tracking technologies are used to collect information. If you do not want to see ads and you do not want to have information about yourself, your browsing, or your system recorded, deleting the PUP is best.

How to remove Storm Search

You might already know how to delete unwanted Google Chrome extensions. If you do, deleting Storm Search might seem like a non-issue. Well, note that it might not be enough to delete the PUP. You might also need to clear browsing data. This task is not complicated either, but if you are not familiar with it, you might feel lost. Use the guide below, and you will learn how to remove Storm Search yourself. Is this the best option? Only you can decide, but if you know that other threats exist, and if your system is not secured appropriately, it might be time for you to implement anti-malware software. It will automatically erase PUPs and malware (if it exists), and it will also take care of your system to ensure that you do not need to worry about security threats in the future. What else should you keep in mind? Without a doubt, you want to be cautious about the programs and extensions you install in the future. Always take your time to research before installing.

Removal Instructions

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Simultaneously tap Alt+F keys on the keyboard.
  3. Click More tools and then Extensions.
  4. Remove the PUP.
  5. Open More tools again and click Clear browsing data.
  6. Click Advanced and then select a time range.
  7. Select boxes and click Clear data. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Storm Search*


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