What is Storm Ransomware?
Storm Ransomware is a newly-detected ransomware infection that might become a serious threat to your files. Although it does not encrypt files at the time of writing, which suggests that it does not work properly or is still in development, it does not mean that it cannot be fixed one day by malicious software developers. Needless to say, you must eliminate the ransomware infection from your system no matter you encounter a fully working version encrypting files and demanding a ransom or you detect an unfinished/corrupted version of this infection. Specialists at anti-spyware-101.com do not think that this threat is very sophisticated, so, consequently, they are 99% sure that users could erase this threat from their systems manually. Of course, it does not mean that you will not find any information about the removal of this ransomware infection in this article. The last paragraph focuses on the removal of this threat, so you should read this report till the very end if you have no idea what your next move should be.
What does Storm Ransomware do?
Before we talk about the removal of Storm Ransomware, we want to clarify how this infection acts and why it must be removed from the system as soon as possible. Like all other ransomware-type infections, it enters systems without permission and then starts working immediately. You should discover a ransom note claiming that “All your personal files have been encrypted” and the only way to restore the encrypted data is to pay money to the provided BTC address ertyuioppoiuhygtfrdeRFTGYHDEZEFFZEF (a different BTC address might be used too) after its entrance. If you are reading this article from the beginning, you must know that Storm Ransomware does not encrypt files currently and, as a consequence, you do not need a decryptor. Of course, it does not mean that you necessarily have to purchase the decryption tool from cyber criminals if you have discovered your files locked because there is a way to restore those encrypted pictures, videos, music, and other files (the list of extensions it targets is quite long) for free. You only need to have a backup of your files. What else you can do is to try out all free data recovery tools available on the web, but, of course, we cannot promise that they will help you to get your files back.
Researchers have also observed that Storm Ransomware searches for two processes taskmgr.exe and ProcessHacker.exe. If it finds them active on the compromised machine, it kills them immediately. There is, of course, a reason why this infection performs this activity – it tries to make it harder to delete it. Do not worry; we are still sure that you will successfully remove this threat from your computer after reading this entire report.
Where does Storm Ransomware come from?
Storm Ransomware has not affected many computers yet, so we say that its infection rate is low. Because of this, specialists cannot tell much about its distribution. According to them, standard distribution methods should be used to disseminate this ransomware infection. That is, it should be spread via spam emails. Ransomware infections are usually distributed as harmless-looking attachments in these emails, so they can become prevalent within a short period of time. Although it is one of the most popular ransomware distribution methods, it is not the only existing one, for sure. Specialists say that these infections might also be disguised as decent applications. Luckily, there is a way to protect the system from such dangerous infections – go to acquire security software and install it on your computer. Your system will be clean as long as you keep it enabled.
How to remove Storm Ransomware
It should be possible to delete Storm Ransomware by simply getting rid of all recently downloaded files. These files are usually stored in %USERPROFILE%\Downloads or %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, so check these two directories first and remove suspicious files from them. You can do the same using an automated malware remover too – it is definitely a quicker and easier procedure. An automated tool does not remove one infection, i.e., ransomware only. Instead, it takes care of all active threats concurrently.
Remove Storm Ransomware
- Open Explorer.
- Go to %USERPROFILE%\Downloads and %USERPROFILE%\Desktop.
- Delete suspicious files you have downloaded recently from these two directories.
- Empty Recycle bin.
- Restart your computer.
- Scan your PC with a diagnostic scanner to check whether there are no traces of malware left on the system.
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