What is Srv1.mediads.info Ads?
Srv1.mediads.info Ads are commercial advertisements that may contain outgoing links to unreliable third-party websites. These ads are generated by the Srv1.mediads.info adware server, but the server itself is utilized by an adware program that you have installed on your computer. Adware seldom enters target systems surreptitiously, so the chances are that you have installed the program responsible for Srv1.mediads.info Ads on your own.
To remove Srv1.mediads.info Ads from your computer, you obviously must locate and uninstall the program in question. Only then will you able to stop the constant flow of annoying commercial pop-ups.
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Where do Srv1.mediads.info Ads come from?
As mentioned above, Srv1.mediads.info Ads are generated by an adware application. According to our research, the programs from the Multiplug family are the ones that make use of this adware server. Therefore, it is very likely that you have recently installed DollarSaver, OfferSoft, BestAdBlocker or any other application from the group on your PC.
It does not take much to accidentally install adware on your computer because programs that make use of Srv1.mediads.info Ads get distributed through the InstallRex, Amonetize, Vittalia installers. These third-party installers are usually hosted on torrent and other file sharing websites. It is very common that users initiate adware download accidentally when they click a fake download button on some page. As a result, before long they are spammed with Srv1.mediads.info Ads that consequently expose them to potential computer security issues.
What do Srv1.mediads.info Ads do?
The advertisements themselves and the Srv1.mediads.info server are not malicious infections. They are merely tools used by adware applications the people behind them to help them generate financial profit. The main security problem associated with Srv1.mediads.info Ads is that there is no way to check whether the links embedded in the pop-ups are 100% safe.
Adware programs never check whether the third-party content they promote is reliable or not. Therefore, if Srv1.mediads.info Ads are exploited by malevolent third parties, this could lead to severe computer infection and even personal data theft. You have to consider this the next time you are about to click any of the Srv1.mediads.info Ads. Do yourself a favor and get rid of this annoyance nuisance at once.
How do I remove Srv1.mediads.info Ads?
Run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner to find the adware program that is responsible for launching Srv1.mediads.info Ads on your screen. Remove the program at once and delete other potential threats that might be running on your system.
Stay away from file sharing websites to protect your computer from similar infections in the future. To ensure that your system is always safeguarded against other threats, please invest in a licensed antispyware tool, and do not hesitate to leave us a comment if you have any further questions about how to terminate Srv1.mediads.info Ads.
Manual Program Removal
Windows 8 & Windows 8.1
- Slide the mouse cursor to the bottom right of your screen.
- Click Settings on the Charm bar and go to Control Panel.
- Select Uninstall a program and remove the Multiplug adware program.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Click the Start menu and go to Control Panel.
- Open Uninstall a program and remove the Multiplug adware program.
Windows XP
- Open the Start menu and click ControlPanel.
- Select Add or remove programs and uninstall the Multiplug adware program.
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