
What is SportsHDSearchs?

When you come across an extension named SportsHDSearchs, you are likely to assume that it can help you access high quality sports content or, perhaps, even live streams. Whatever your thoughts about this extension might have been before you installed it, it is unlikely that you ended up being happy with it. This extension is nothing more than a search tool, and an unreliable one at that. research team tested this add-on, although there really was no need for that. That is because we already have all of the information about this extension. We have this information because it is a clone of ConverterzSearch, AllConvertersSearch, TopStreamsSearch, and other well-researched PUPs. PUP stands for “potentially unwanted program,” and we are sure that at least some users will find the extension unwanted. To learn more about the reasons to remove SportsHDSearchs, continue reading. If you do not want to waste another moment, use the guide below to delete the PUP from Google Chrome.test

How does SportsHDSearchs work?

We know that SportsHDSearchs is associated with, but at this time, we cannot say how this webpage is integrated into the extension. Whether you installed it from the Chrome Web Store ( or using some bundled downloaded, it is unlikely that this page was introduced. However, if you come across it, you might find it very attractive because it offers a free file converter. Unfortunately, as it is true for many PUPs, attractive services are often used to conceal something more sinister. We do not claim that the suspicious SportsHDSearchs is a malicious threat, but there is no doubt that it is suspicious. First of all, it changes the default search provider on Google Chrome to This kind of make sense because the PUP introduces itself as a search tool, and so it needs some kind of a platform to show search results. The problem with this particular tool is that it redirects to Yahoo Search and then shows modified results. This might be the biggest reason to delete it.

The results shown via might seem completely normal, and that is exactly why Yahoo Search is used in the first place. It is well-known. It is respected. People trust it. Unfortunately, we do not know how trustworthy or dangerous the modifications made by SportsHDSearchs could be. We simply cannot know that because the PUP does not disclose what kinds of advertisers it might support. The Privacy Policy – which you can review at – does, however, share that personal information can be collected and shared. One statement declares that “We do not sell, trade, or rent users' Personal Information to other parties,” while the following one declares that “We may share information solely in the following events: […] Other third parties (including retailers, media networks, feed providers) […] for the purpose of developing or delivering content.” If that makes you doubt the PUP, perhaps it is time to delete it from your browser.

How to remove SportsHDSearchs

Since Google Chrome appears to be the only browser that SportsHDSearchs is compatible with, we have created a guide that shows how to remove the PUP from it. If you complete every step, you will have the unwanted extension removed and browsing data in the time that the PUP was active cleared. We suggest taking this action to ensure that data-tracking cookies and other leftovers of the extension are completely cleared before you move on. As for moving on, if you need to delete SportsHDSearchs along with other PUPs, or if you want to secure your operating system, it might be time to invest in trustworthy anti-malware software. At the end of the day, your virtual security is extremely important, and you cannot ensure it without the right security systems implemented. Of course, besides taking care of that, you also want to stay vigilant when installing new extensions and programs because you do not want to be duped into downloading unwanted, useless, or even malicious pieces again.

Removal Guide

  1. Open Google Chrome and enter chrome://extensions into the address bar.
  2. Find SportsHDSearchs and then click the Remove button pinned to it.
  3. Enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData into the address bar.
  4. In the Advanced menu, choose the appropriate time range and boxes.
  5. Click the Clear data button and then restart Google Chrome. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of SportsHDSearchs*


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