Speedy PC Pro 2018

What is Speedy PC Pro 2018?

Free PC optimization tools that promise to clean the system and considerably improve its performance exist on the market, but Speedy PC Pro 2018 is not one of them, as research has clearly shown. If you install it, you could only use it as a diagnostic scanner. It will list all found issues/errors, but it will not fix a single one of them unless you purchase a license and upgrade the program. The license is not very expensive, so some users decide to invest in this program. This is not what we recommend that you do if you have already installed Speedy PC Pro 2018 on your computer because we cannot guarantee that this application could solve all your PC problems and improve its performance. It does not show any fake scan results like some other programs pretending to be reliable PC optimization tools, but it is very likely that it shows only insignificant issues. We leave the final decision in your hands, but it would be better that you purchase a more trustworthy application’s license. Have you already installed Speedy PC Pro 2018 on your computer? If so, we highly recommend that you erase it if you are not going to upgrade it because it might start showing various pop-ups on your screen to push you into purchasing the license. Even though they do not seem to be irritating at first, we are sure you will sooner or later find them extremely annoying.testtesttest

What does Speedy PC Pro 2018 do?

Speedy PC Pro 2018 is a typical PC optimization tool, but, unlike some other tools available on the market, it is not distributed for free. Yes, you can get its trial version from its official website, but you will have to purchase a license if you decide to use it to improve your PC performance. At the time of writing, its price was 23.95 EUR, but some users are offered 50% discount. If you do not activate the license of the program, it will only scan your system and show you a list of detected issues. These include bad software/potentially unwanted applications, components that affect startup time and user space, items that impact system and installed software performance, and, finally, items that affect system performance. In other words, the program will continue working as a diagnostic scanner if you do not purchase the license and activate it. If you ask us what you should do, we would say that you should buy a license of a more trustworthy PC optimization tool. PC Cleanup 2018, AutoClean Pro 2018, Win PC Repair 2018 are not good choices either. There are no guarantees that they will find recognize serious PC issues and could fix them for you after the upgrade. If you are not going to invest in Speedy PC Pro 2018, we highly recommend that you uninstall this program. As mentioned, it might start bothering you with pop-ups seeking to convince you to purchase a license one day. You will have to close them all by yourself, so we are sure you will get extremely annoyed.

Where does Speedy PC Pro 2018 come from?

We are not surprised that you do not know how Speedy PC Pro 2018 has entered your computer even though this potentially unwanted application can be downloaded directly from http://www.techypccleaner.com because our researchers have found evidence that alternative distribution methods might be used to spread it too. According to them, users might be presented with ads promoting this application. Additionally, just like many other potentially unwanted applications, it might be spread bundled. If you have found Speedy PC Pro 2018 installed on your computer, it is very likely that another program, e.g. Driver Updater has been installed on your PC as well – it comes as an additional offer.

How to remove Speedy PC Pro 2018

You should remove Speedy PC Pro 2018 ASAP if you are not going to use it. It is not a dangerous program, so you will erase it normally, i.e. using Control Panel. We are sure there are some users who have never erased any undesirable application among our readers, so we have also asked our specialists to prepare the manual removal guide. If it does not help you a lot, feel free to use an automated antimalware scanner. It will remove all untrustworthy software for you automatically.

Remove Speedy PC Pro 2018

Windows XP

  1. Click the Start button to open the Start menu.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Click Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Select Speedy PC Pro 2018.
  5. Click Remove.

Windows 7/Vista/8/8.1/10

  1. Tap Win+R.
  2. Type Control Panel in the box and click OK.
  3. Click Uninstall a program.
  4. Select Speedy PC Pro 2018.
  5. Click Uninstall. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Speedy PC Pro 2018*

Stop these Speedy PC Pro 2018 Processes:


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