
What is SoccerInferno?

SoccerInferno is a free browser extension which is aimed at soccer fans. The application enables you to play online games, read the news on sport, stream favorite sports, events and tournaments, etc. The application is developed by Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc, and is available at If you are not sure how you have installed SoccerInferno, bear in mind that such programs as SoccerInferno can be distributed by the installers of browser extensions, media players and other free programs. Hence, it is very important that you always read the information provided by the installer. If you do not know how to remove SoccerInferno from the computer, keep on reading to find out how to do it with ease.testtest 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of SoccerInferno*

How does SoccerInferno work?

SoccerInferno is a browser toolbar which can change the settings of the browsers. Luckily, you can prevent the alterations by deselecting the boxes related to the changes of your home page and default search provider. If you skip this part, the home page and search provider are changes to You have probably noticed that the search engine displays sponsored links. Since the search engine is not liable for the content of the advertisements to which you are taken by those links, you should avoid clicking on them. When you access a corrupt website, you risk your privacy and/or the performance of the system; hence, you should be either very cautious when using the search engine or simply remove SoccerInferno from the computer and restore the former settings of the browsers.

The browser extension is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. In case you decide to remove SoccerInferno manually, bear in mind that you have to change the settings of the browsers by yourself.

It is also important to note that SoccerInferno monitors your online behavior. After installing the program, the information stored on the PC becomes available to the application, which means that it may record your browsing history and collect some other non-personally identifiable information.

 How to remove SoccerInferno?

The removal of SoccerInferno can be effortless if you rely on a reliable spyware removal tool. Our team at recommends using SpyHunter because this software program can easily terminate the toolbar and also shield the system from various computer threats. If you do not have a powerful computer security tool, it is time to implement one.

It is not a secret that you can remove SoccerInferno manually; however, having completed the removal you should also scan the system. Implement SpyHunter if you want to save your time and provide the computer with protection against various computer threats.

How to get rid of SoccerInferno

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Click Start and select Control Panel.
  2. Select Uninstall a program.
  3. Uninstall SoccerInferno.

Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Select Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Uninstall the unwanted browser toolbar.

Windows 8

  1. Move the mouse to the lower-left corner of the screen.
  2. Right-click when the pop-up window appears.
  3. Select Control Panel and click Uninstall a program.
  4. Remove the unwanted application.

Remove SoccerInferno from your browsers

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and click Internet Options.
  2. Change the home page on the General tab.
  3. Press Alt+T and click Manage Add-ons.
  4. Click Search Providers and set a new default search provider.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Alt+T and click Options.
  2. On the General tab, change the home page and click OK.
  3. Press Ctrl+Shift+A and click Extensions.
  4. Remove SoccerInferno and close the tab.
  5. Click the search engine icon next to the search box and select a new search provider.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F.
  2. Move the pointer to Tools and click Extensions.
  3. Remove the unwanted browser extension.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. In the On startup section, select the third option and click Set pages.
  6. Remove and type in a new URL.
  7. In the Search section, click the Manage search engines button and select a new search engine.
  8. In the Appearance section, change the settings of the home button if necessary.
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