What is ShoppingOn?
ShoppingOn is an adware application that will spam you with annoying commercial advertisements when you shop online. It is not a malicious computer infection because it needs your permission to enter your computer. Unfortunately, users often do not realize they install ShoppingOn and other similar apps when they download freeware from unreliable websites. It is in your best interests to remove ShoppingOn from your computer because this program may accidentally expose you to dangerous websites that distribute malware and steal personal information. While you are at it, do not forget to remove other potentially dangerous applications.
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Where does ShoppingOn come from?
Do not be surprised to find more than just one unwanted app on your computer. As you have probably realized, this program cannot enter your computer on its own. ShoppingOn is based on the JustPlugIt engine, and just like any other program from the same group, including Foxwebber, Giftssoft, and BrickStrenghener, it does not have a direct link. Its official website at shoppingon.info is just an empty shell that is supposed to make the impression that ShoppingOn is a useful program that can help you improve your online shopping experience.
Security researchers say that ShoppingOn usually gets distributed via InstallRex installer, although sometimes (according to your location) it may come in software bundles via Vittalia and Amonetize installers as well. If you want to avoid installing ShoppingOn, you need you steer clear of torrent and other file sharing websites that are full of fake download buttons. Clicking one of them can eventually result in adware (and sometimes even malware!) infection.
What does ShoppingOn do?
ShoppingOn is compatible with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Some tests show that Google Chrome may block ShoppingOn if your browser is up-to-date. However, it does not mean that you can allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief as the unwanted application still remains on your computer.
ShoppingOn can slow down your browser by displaying various coupon and discount offers. The application clearly collects data on your web browsing history to customize the ads according to your more recent searches. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you can trust ShoppingOn ads. You should never click any of the coupon ads because you can never know where they can take you. If you want to avoid potential security threats, you need to get rid of ShoppingOn at once.
How do I remove ShoppingOn?
Thankfully, it is not hard to uninstall ShoppingOn on your own. All you have to do is remove this application via Control Panel and then delete the extension from your browser. However, there might be some other unwanted applications left that you have to take care of as well. Invest in a licensed antispyware application that will help you ensure your system’s safety and security.
Manual ShoppingOn Removal
Windows 8
- Drag the mouse cursor to the bottom right of the desktop.
- Click Settings on the Charm bar and select Control Panel.
- Click Uninstall a program and remove ShoppingOn.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Click the Start button and go to Control Panel.
- Open Uninstall a program and remove ShoppingOn.
Windows XP
- Open the Start menu and go to Control Panel.
- Select Add or remove programs and uninstall ShoppingOn.
Remove ShoppingOn from the browser
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Ctrl+Shift+A and the Add-ons manager tab will open.
- Disable and remove ShoppingOn from Extensions.
- Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F and go to More tools.
- Open Extensions and remove ShoppingOn.
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