Shop For Rewards

What is Shop For Rewards?

Shop For Rewards is a suspicious program that is often linked to the advertisement-supported program V-Bates (or VBates). The official website representing the program is; however, if you click the Download button, you are routed to Even though the official path representing the program is inactive, the application may be activated by different parties. researchers warn that there are plenty of third-party software distributors who could install Shop For Rewards bundled with some other programs. If you have discovered the adware to spread alongside unfamiliar programs, make sure you list them in the comment section below so that other users could be warned. You also should delete these programs; however, not before you remove Shop For Rewards.

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tested removal of Shop For Rewards*

How does Shop For Rewards work?

The official website managed by Pitaya Tech Ltd. presents a Privacy Policy which discloses that if you install the program you accept the collection of personal information and non-personal information. Even though it is suggested that personal information will not be made available to the affiliate third parties, you should not ignore this altogether. You should be particularly cautious about programs which are set to collect potentially sensitive information if they enter the system in a suspicious manner, for example, with software bundles. Needless to say, if you delete Shop For Rewards software, you will not need to think about the issue twice; that is if additional threats are not active. Unfortunately, you can expect Shop For Rewards to enter the PC together with software that you will have to delete.

Once installed and running, Shop For Rewards connects to the internet without the knowledge of the user to enable communications to adware servers which are used for the presentation of online ads. Do you understand why Shop For Rewards is so interested in presenting different offers? The more ads the app presents – the more money its developers are likely to collect. In the Privacy Policy it is suggested that third-party advertisers representing the offers are carefully selected; however, you still should review the individual privacy policies corresponding to these parties. The truth is that trusting third-party ads may be dangerous, and this is why Shop For Rewards removal is advised. Are you not sure how to delete the undesirable program from the PC? The removal guide below will help you.

How to remove Shop For Rewards?

What other suspicious programs besides Shop For Rewards are active on the system? Examine the PC with a malware scanner if you are not sure you can list all of the malicious programs active on the system. Once it is clear which threats require removal, there is only one more thing to consider – can you delete active threats manually? The instructions below show how to uninstall the program, but you will need to delete leftovers and additional malware yourself. Use trusted automatic malware removal tools to clear the system.

Remove Shop For Rewards

Remove from Windows XP:

  1. Go to the Taskbar, click Start and next open the Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs and find Shop For Rewards.
  3. Select and Remove the undesirable application.

Remove from Windows Vista & Windows 7:

  1. Click the Windows icon on the Taskbar and select Control Panel.
  2. Move to Uninstall a program and right-click the undesirable app.
  3. Select Uninstall to delete the undesirable program from the PC.

Remove from Windows 8:

  1. Right-click on the Metro UI screen to open a pane and click All apps.
  2. Then open the Control Panel and click Uninstall a program.
  3. Identify the program you want to delete, right-click it and select Uninstall. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Shop For Rewards*

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