What is Security Center?
Even though we are trying hard to protect our computers from numbers of threats, such malicious applications as Security Center still manages somehow to get into our systems, causing a great harm to the computers. Of course, experiencing such infection is very stressful and it would be great if we could avoid that, but sometimes Security Center can overcome even the most cautious user.
Before it lays waste to your computer Security Center still needs to get into your system. It does so by using various means of infiltration. For example, a hacked site which hosts the download file for this rogue might be hiding somewhere among the links posted in your blog comments. You might be going through the comments randomly, and one single click on one of these links might lead you to the infection.
When Security Center is installed it performs a fake system scan, and as a result it finds a lot of various threats in your computer. The rogue offers to fix these threats if only you paid for the full version of the program. But this is where you need to stop and reconsider your actions. Paying for Security Center solves nothing. You will only lose your money and will provide the cyber criminals with the access to your bank account. In order to avoid that, you need to terminate Security Center while there’s still time. Don’t become another victim of this terrible rogue.
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