
What is SearchSeries?

SearchSeries might make some changes to your browser preferences if you let it settle in. To be more precise, the application may change your default search engine. Such behavior could be unwanted and is one of the reasons why this extension falls under the classification of potentially unwanted programs. If you want to learn more about it, we invite you to read our full report, in which we discuss the tool’s working manner, its distributions, and removal. If you need step by step instructions that would help you delete SearchSeries manually from your browser, you should check the steps we display at the end of this article. Keep in mind that if the process seems too difficult or you prefer using automatic deletion features, you can employ a legitimate antimalware tool.test

Where does SearchSeries come from?

Applications like SearchSeries are often distributed through its official websites, Chrome Web Store page, pop-ups or ads, and file-sharing web pages. We can tell that the extension’s website, known as, is still active at the moment of writing. However, it looks like the application is no longer available on the Chrome Web Store page. Perhaps, it got removed because it falls under the classification of potentially unwanted programs, or it could have received negative reviews. We cannot know for sure. We know that if you do not want to receive similar applications in the future, you should always research the tools you wish to install before getting them. We also advise downloading chosen programs from legit sources only after you are one hundred and are sure that they are safe and worthy of your attention.

How does SearchSeries work?

As said earlier, the potentially unwanted program might have undesirable functionality. For instance, it could change your default search engine with a search website called The application’s description might mention that it provides the best way to search, but we doubt that its provided search engine could be more advanced than Yahoo or Google.

In fact, our researchers at say that the application’s search website might use a modified version of the Yahoo search engine to collect and display search results. Thus, it seems to us that the potentially unwanted program might be offering something that you can already have without installing any third-party tools. We mean that the Yahoo search engine is available to anyone and does not require anything else besides a browser and Internet connection.

There is one other thing that might be seen as unwanted behavior. To be more precise, SearchSeries could read your browsing history. Some users do not like it when companies can see what kind of websites they visit, what they search for on the Internet, etc. If you do not want to share such data with this extension or do not like how it works, you could delete it.

How to delete SearchSeries?

There are two ways to erase SearchSeries. The first one is to delete the potentially unwanted program manually. The task might be easier than you imagine, and if you need any help, we provide step by step instructions at the end of this paragraph. The other option is to get a legitimate antimalware tool and do a full system scan. The unwanted extension should be detected during the scan, and once it is over, you should be able to delete SearchSeries and other identified items at once.

Remove SearchSeries from Google Chrome

  1. Go to Google Chrome.
  2. Insert the following link into the browser’s address bar: chrome://extensions
  3. Press Enter and search for SearchSeries.
  4. Click Remove and press Remove to confirm.
  5. Close the Extensions menu.
  6. Restart your browser. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of SearchSeries*

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