What is Searchprivacy.live?
Searchprivacy.live is a source of a browser hijacker that our research team at Anti-Spyware-101.com is already familiar with. It was found that this threat is just a different version of the Searchprivacy.co hijacker that we first reported well over a year and a half ago. Both hijackers are represented using an extension called “Search Privacy.” The previously reported version of this extension was introduced to users via chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/search-privacy/aeemepphecjaofoopdmhfahejdcnlpia, and the current one can be found at chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/search-privacy/ccchgpflllapfcnllmdncjhckclmmcfh. Why did the creator of this suspicious software decide to reinvent the already established threat? That is because the original version was taken down. Needless to say, we recommend that you remove Search Privacy regardless of whether you acquired it from Searchprivacy.live or any other source. If you want to learn more, continue reading. Note that you can find instructions that show how to delete this threat below.
How does Searchprivacy.live extension, Search Privacy, work?
It is unlikely that you would stumble upon Searchprivacy.live with a clear intention. However, it is likely that you would visit this site by accident Most likely, you landed on this page as you clicked a strange pop-up or advertisement shown on a suspicious website. On the other hand, it is also possible that you are not familiar with the Searchprivacy.live site at all. That is because the suspicious Search Privacy and Searchprivacy.co could be introduced to you via software bundles and third-party installers. All in all, regardless of how you acquire the suspicious extension and the hijacker, the first thing you should do right now is scan your operating system. Employ a legitimate malware scanner to determine whether or not your operating system is clean. Hopefully, even if it is not, you should not panic. Quickly research the threats that are found to figure out whether or not you are dealing with anything that is extremely malicious. If you are dealing with dangerous threats, you want to delete them as soon as possible. That being said, you should not forget to delete Search Privacy and the hijacker it comes bundled with.
According to the information that is offered to users at Searchprivacy.live, the Search Privacy extension can be very beneficial. It is suggested that it can protect your privacy whenever you browse the web. Well, can this hijacker be trusted? That is unlikely to be the case, and it is more likely that you would get yourself exposed to advertisements and other kinds of third-party content, and we are sure you do not want that. Although the Privacy Policy representing the hijacker informs that personal information is not recorded, you need to be cautious about data trackers – such as web cookies – even if they collect non-personally identifiable information. That is because you do not know where this information could end up in, or who it could be used by. That put aside, Searchprivacy.co cannot offer you a useful service either, and you should have no illusions about safety while using it. It is just another search tool that shows search results corresponding to your search queries; however, on top of that, it can also collect information and, potentially, showcase third-party content. This is why we suggest removing Search Privacy.
How to remove the hijacker offered at Searchprivacy.live
You want to delete Searchprivacy.live-related software, which consists of Searchprivacy.co and Search Privacy. The extension was built to introduce you to the hijacker, and although it is promoted as a tool that can help you browse the web in a more secure way, it is completely useless. That being said, you should not ignore it because it can record information and showcase original results that could, very likely, showcase sponsored content too. Needless to say, you can find a much better, more reliable, and more beneficial search tool, and, first, you want to remove Searchprivacy.co. Luckily, this hijacker will be eliminated once you delete Search Privacy. If you have no idea how to get rid of this PUP, follow the instructions below. Remember that this extension could have been downloaded along with malware. If it is found, consider installing anti-malware software to have all threats erased automatically.
Removal Instructions
- Launch Google Chrome and tap Alt+F keys.
- In the menu on the right click More tools.
- Select Extensions and find the Search Privacy extension.
- Click the recycle bin next to it and then choose Remove.
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