Search Results

What is Search Results?

Search Results is a search tool which can be linked to a number of suspicious browser plugins and PC applications. Some of the programs related to the search provider include Default Tab, BullVid, Llinkury Smart Bar, etc. Of course, if you are reading this report, it is most likely that the home page of your webs browsers has been changed to This may happen if you download freeware, browser add-ons related to IAC Search & Media (the developer), or you simply have chosen this search tool yourself. It is strongly advised that you do not use the suspicious search engine for regular web searches. If you wish to learn more about Search Results removal – continue reading.test

Should you remove

The questionable search provider is usually related to Search Results Toolbar and Searchnu Toolbar. These two plugins are meant to help you find information quicker; however, most Windows users find them quite useless. Like any other browser extension, the Search Results plugins may utilize cookies, web beacons and other known technologies to collect information about your online activity. Whilst this activity may help the developers provide you with better services, it can also lead any user to virtual security risks. The risk greatly increases if your PC is not guarded by automatic security tools which could find and delete infections before they do any harm to you.

Can Search Results lead you to secondary spyware removal? Unfortunately, no search engine is guarded against schemers who manage to employ all security vulnerabilities in order to distribute infections which you eventually may need to remove from the computer. Therefore, if you believe that is a beneficial search tool and you wish to continue using it, you definitely need to install automatic spyware detection/removal tools which could help you browse without any risks.

How to remove Search Results?

If you have discovered Search Results set as your default home page and search provider, you must have installed applications which offered you these additional services. This activity is not considered highly malicious and so you should be able to successfully remove the undesirable search tools manually. The first removal step presented below will help you remove unwanted computer programs, and the second one to change the undesirable search tools.

Delete Search-Results from PC

Windows XP:

  1. Open the Start menu, click Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Select the undesirable app and click Remove.

Windows Vista or Windows 7:

  1. Open the Start menu, click Control Panel and go to Uninstall a program.
  2. Right-click the application you wish to remove and select Uninstall.

Windows 8:

  1. Tap the Windows key to access the Metro UI start screen.
  2. Right-click on the background and select All apps.
  3. Click Control Panel and go to Uninstall a program.
  4. Right-click the application you want to delete and select Uninstall.

 Remove from browsers

 Remove from Internet Explorer:

  1. Launch IE, simultaneously tap Alt+T and select Manage Add-ons.
  2. Click Search Providers and Remove the unwanted options. Click Close.
  3. Tap Alt+T again and select Internet Options.
  4. Click the General tab and move to Home Page.
  5. Overwrite/remove the URL and click OK.

 Remove from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch Firefox and simultaneously tap Alt+H for the Help menu.
  2. Select Troubleshooting Information and click Reset Firefox.
  3. Confirm the choice and click Finish.

Remove from Google Chrome:

  1. Launch Chrome, simultaneously tap Alt+F and select Settings.
  2. Under On Startup mark Open a specific page or set of pages.
  3. Click Set pages and change/remove the set URL. Click OK.
  4. Under Search click Manage search engines.
  5. Select a new default search provider and then remove (click the X mark) the undesirable provider.
  6. Click OK.

Are you comfortable with the security of your Windows system? We recommend that you install automatic spyware detection and removal software to keep the virtual security guarded at all times. Click the download button below to install a reliable tool SpyHunter. If you have more questions – post a comment below.

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tested removal of Search Results*

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