What is

If you have interacted with the Pollicare downloader recently, might have changed your homepage and default search provider. This downloader is identical to the Romandos one, and it is representing the browser hijacker. Both search tools look identical, and so it is likely that the same party stands behind both of them. If this is the case, it is strange that two identical tools that serve in the same manner have been created. Our research team at strongly recommends deleting both of these hijackers, and not just because they look identical. It was found that these threats can redirect users to third-party pages without their permission, as well as employ cookies to record and share data. If you want to learn more before you decide if you should remove from your browser, please continue reading. Note that the comments section is open, and if you have any observations, questions, or information, you can add it there.

How does work? is classified as a Mac hijacker because it was found only on browsers activated on this operating system. The most popular web browsers used by Mac users include Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, which is why we have chosen to focus on them. Regardless of which browser was affected, the hijacker must have slithered in in the same manner. As mentioned already, the Pollicare downloader is likely to be used for the distribution of this threat, but you cannot dismiss the possibility of third-party installers being involved as well. In both cases, is likely to slither in bundled with other threats or potentially unwanted programs. Can you identify these programs yourself? Even if you think you can, running a full system scan is strongly recommended. Employ a trusted malware scanner, and you will find out soon enough if or not you need to delete malicious threats along with the hijacker. Hopefully, other threats do not exist, and you can focus on the suspicious web browser hijacker. If malware exists, hopefully, you can find the removal guides you need on this website.

So, why exactly is considered to be unreliable? First and foremost, you have to think about its entrance. If it has corrupted your browsers illegally, you should have no questions about the reliability of this threat. Second, you have to take into consideration that only poses as a search tool. In reality, it promotes Yahoo Search, Google Search, and SaveFront. Even if you find these services trustworthy, you have to consider them being affected by the hijacker. There are plenty of browser hijackers that can modify the results shown via reputable sources just to trick users into clicking on them. This, unfortunately, could lead to serious problems if the links were added by malicious parties. Another issue you will be facing if you continue using the hijacker is the collection of data. As mentioned in the Privacy Policy, only non-personally identifiable information is collected and shared with third parties. That, of course, does not mean that is harmless. The hijacker will use cookies to record your browsing history and other information about your virtual activity. If you want to stop this, you need to delete the hijacker.

How to delete

Do you have experience with resetting web browsers? If you do not, you will find the instructions below useful. All you need to do is follow them, and the hijacker will be disabled soon enough. If you cannot seem to delete using these instructions, you might have to eliminate the software linked to this hijacker first. Use an up-to-date malware scanner to check if you need to eliminate other threats from your operating system. If you cannot erase them manually, go ahead and utilize an automated anti-malware tool. It will remove along with other threats, and it will enable full-time protection against malicious threats in the future. Needless to say, that is something you need to take care of if you wish to ensure that you do not waste your time researching and erasing malicious or unwanted pieces of software in the future.

Removal Instructions

Reset Safari

  1. Launch the Safari browser.
  2. Click the Safari  menu icon and then hit Reset Safari.
  3. Check the boxes representing the data you want to erase.
  4. Click Reset and then run a full system scan.

Reset Google Chrome

  1. Launch the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Enter chrome://settings/ into the address bar.
  3. Click Advanced, scroll down, and then click Reset.
  4. Run a full system scan.

Reset Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch the Mozilla  Firefox browser.
  2. Tap keys Alt+H to access the Help menu.
  3. Select Troubleshooting information.
  4. Click Refresh Firefox and then run a full system scan. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of*


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