What is Search.newtab-tvsearch.com?
The Internet offers endless possibilities to enjoy your favorite media content for free, but sometimes that may lead to security issues when users install unwanted applications. For instance, you could get infected with Search.newtab-tvsearch.com, which is a browser hijacker. This search engine comes with a browser extension that is supposed to help you watch your favorite TV shows online. However, the functionality of this tab is highly questionable, and you should not tolerate these applications any further. Remove Search.newtab-tvsearch.com from your browser right now, and then check the list of installed programs for other potential threats. Please bear in mind that such applications seldom travel alone.
Where does Search.newtab-tvsearch.com come from?
As you can clearly see, this search engine has an official homepage. This homepage that can be accessed via funkymediatab.com promotes the browser extension. The extension is compatible with the Chrome and Firefox browsers, so the browser hijacker will not affect the Internet Explorer browser.
When you take a closer look at the website, you may get an impression that this Funky Media Tab is a pretty good thing. It says that with the extension you can “turn your browser into TV Media centre.” If that were not enough, you could also “watch TV on your computer, including your favorite shows and live sports.” That sounds like a plan, but here you would say that you never came across this website, and you have no idea why this browser hijacker is on your PC.
Well, direct distribution is not the only way this infection gets around. The browser hijacker employs other distribution methods, just like its predecessors. Some of the previously released hijackers include Search.realcoolmoviessearch.com, Search.searchinsocial.com, Search.emaildefendsearch.com, and so on. All these programs can also “come from pop-ups.” This is exactly the wording our researchers at anti-spyware-101.com. It means that the links promoting this infection can be delivered to you via annoying pop-ups. These pop-ups, in turn, may appear on various websites or they could be generated by potentially unwanted programs that are already installed on your PC.
Therefore, in a way, Search.newtab-tvsearch.com is a good wake-up call that says you need to take a better look at your system and figure out what’s wrong with it. Only then you will be able to protect your PC and your data from potential exploitation.
What does Search.newtab-tvsearch.com do?
The hijacker’s behavior is more or less predictable. It follows the same pattern as other programs from the same group. So the moment it enters your system, Search.newtab-tvsearch.com changes your new tab settings and the default search engine. After the modification, all of your web searches will eventually land on the modified Yahoo! Search page. Here we would like to mention that Yahoo! Search has no ties with the hijacker. The people behind this infection are simply making use of the popular search engine because their own program can provide you with zilch.
Instead, you will notice the increase of commercial content on your browser, and you will be often redirected to unfamiliar websites. If you fail to avoid these redirections, it is possible that you will get expose to malicious content. Once you are there, you are just one click away from a serious infection.
Of course, we are not trying to say that Search.newtab-tvsearch.com is there to infect you with malware. The program simply wants to make some money for its creators. But as it tries to get around it, the hijacker encounters third parties that make use of its advertising space. Since the program does not review the third-party content, anyone (even cyber criminals!) can add their links to the space this hijacker offers.
How do I remove Search.newtab-tvsearch.com?
The bottom line is obvious: you need to remove Search.newtab-tvsearch.com right now. Luckily, the manual browser hijacker removal is not complicated, and anyone can achieve it if they follow the instructions below this description.
However, you have to remember that there might be more unwanted apps on-board, so you should run a full system scan with a computer security tool once you delete the hijacker for good. A computer security tool of your choice will not only delete additional unwanted applications, but it will also safeguard you against other annoying intruders in the future.
Manual Search.newtab-tvsearch.com Removal
- Press Win+R and the Run prompt will open.
- Type %AppData% into the Open box and click OK.
- Go to Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Mozilla User ID]\extensions.
- Delete the FunkyMediaTab-the-extension1@mozilla.com.xpi file.
- Go back to the Mozilla User ID folder.
- Open the prefs.js file.
- Delete the "user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", http://search.newtab-tvsearch.com/ string.
- Press Win+R and type %LOCALAPPDATA%. Click OK.
- Go to Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions.
- Delete the kpcijmdjpgpkndihacfcbidnehmcapgi folder.
- Go back to the Default folder.
- Delete the Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data files.
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