What is Search.kshowonline.stream?
If you no longer see your good old search tool when you launch your Google Chrome browser, and Search.kshowonline.stream is opened for you instead, it means that a browser hijacker has already infiltrated your computer and altered your browser’s settings. Unlike similar malicious applications, it applies changes to users’ web browsers by installing its own extension. You can find it next to other extensions with a Chrome ID: gadgkfhfekoobdjlloffkinjbclhbfml. Luckily, this infection does not alter all settings. Our researchers say that it only changes default search tools on those web browsers it affects. We can assure you that Search.kshowonline.stream is not a search provider that can be trusted. Do not expect it to improve your web searching experience in any way as well. It can only bring you problems, believe us, so go to remove the search tool set on your browser without your knowledge mercilessly. Since it appears because the malicious browser extension is installed, the only way to make it gone is to erase that add-on. Continue reading if you have never done that before because we will talk about the manual browser hijacker removal in the second part of this report.
What does Search.kshowonline.stream do?
Search tools that appear on users’ web browsers out of the blue are never trustworthy. It is the first sign showing that Search.kshowonline.stream cannot be trusted too. There is one more reason it cannot be considered trustworthy. The thorough analysis carried out by our experienced specialists has shown that this suspicious search tool might present users with untrustworthy search results. Specifically speaking, they might see the so-called modified search results. Of course, not all search results Search.kshowonline.stream returns to users are modified, but the chances are high that you will encounter some of them one day if you use it to perform web searches. Most likely, you will be taken to websites that do not contain anything you are searching for when you click on them. Some users might also be redirected straight to dubious websites. These websites might contain undesirable software you might end up with it if you fearlessly click on links located on the opened website. They might try to convince you to provide some personal details too and then sell it on the black market. Do not insert any personal information if you do not want it to be used for malicious purposes! Without a doubt, it would be best to remove the suspicious search tool set by the browser hijacker completely.
As you already know, Search.kshowonline.stream might display the modified search results to you if you use it as your default search tool, but it is not the only thing you need to know about it. It has also turned out that it records information about users. Specifically speaking, it gathers technical information, usage information, users’ interactions on social networks through the Software & Services, support-related information, and registration-related information. Without a doubt, this browser hijacker has not been developed by good people, so all these details about you will end up in their hands if you do not stop using it soon.
Where does Search.kshowonline.stream come from?
If you have found a new website (Search.kshowonline.stream) looking like an ordinary search tool set as your default search tool on your Google Chrome browser, it is very likely that the browser hijacker has infiltrated your computer. You can find out whether or not it is true yourself by checking the list of add-ons. Even though infections hijacking users’ browsers are usually spread bundled, researchers say that the browser hijacker promoting Search.kshowonline.stream slightly differs from similar threats. It has turned out that it is usually promoted via malicious advertisements. They might be displayed to users if they end up on a suspicious website promoting untrustworthy software, or they might see various advertisements promoting suspicious software on their screens because there is an advertising-supported application installed on their computers. If you suspect that it is the latter case, eliminate that program from your system too. The easiest way to find and get rid of it is to use a powerful antimalware scanner.
How to delete Search.kshowonline.stream
If you have not set Search.kshowonline.stream on your browser willingly, and you are sure that you are not going to use it, delete this dubious search tool from your Google Chrome browser today without further consideration. You just need to access the add-ons manager and then press the Trash button next to the add-on representing the browser hijacker.
Delete Search.kshowonline.stream manually
Google Chrome
- Launch Google Chrome.
- Press Alt+F.
- Click More tools and access Extensions.
- Locate the browser extension associated with the browser hijacker (ID: gadgkfhfekoobdjlloffkinjbclhbfml).
- Select it.
- Click the recycle bin button.
- Click Remove in the dialog box.
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