What is Search.htheweathercenter.co?
If you care about your computer’s safety, Search.htheweathercenter.co might be not the best choice for a tool to surf the Internet with. According to our specialists at Anti-spyware-101.com, the search engine is a browser hijacker that may alter your homepage and new tab preferences. To make matters worse, there is a chance the results it displays could be injected with third-party advertisements. As you see, such content might be not just annoying, but also possibly harmful if it comes from malicious web pages. Unfortunately, it is unknown where the ads could come from. This is why we recommend not to take any chances with Search.htheweathercenter.co. However, given the application is not malicious, you do not need to make any rash decisions. Therefore, we encourage you to read the article first and only then slide below the text to follow the provided manual deletion instructions.
Where does Search.htheweathercenter.co come from?
The browser hijacker can be distributed through bundled installers of other untrustworthy applications similar to it, e.g. potentially unwanted programs, adware, and so on. From our experience with such threats, we can say that the program this browser hijacker might be distributed with could be a browser extension. Thus, users who do not recall adding Search.htheweathercenter.co onto their browser, probably allowed it to enter the system after agreeing to add some browser plugin. Next time we would advise you to read user/expert reviews or find more information about the extension before you decide to install it, even more so if it is offered to you via unreliable pop-up ads or after entering suspicious web pages.
How does Search.htheweathercenter.co work?
The application may settle in by altering data belonging to the hijacked browser and at the moment of writing it works on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For example, if you are browsing the Internet with Google Chrome, the threat might modify all or at least one of the following files: Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data. If you are interested in the changes, this search engine could do to the other two mentioned browsers you should have a look at the deletion instructions we placed below the text as they both list such data and explain how to restore it back to the way it was before the browser hijacker appeared.
The worst part about having Search.htheweathercenter.co as your homepage, new tab page, or search engine is that there is a chance it might start showing you targeted ads with the search results. Neither the application’s Privacy Policy nor the End License Agreement or Terms of use documents specify what kind of content the third-party ads could show you or where from this content might come. We do not say the search engine may necessarily provide you with harmful content, but there is a chance it could act this way. Provided you do not want to accidentally come across malicious ads, we urge you to find yourself a safer alternative to Search.htheweathercenter.co, e.g. google.com, yahoo.com, and so on.
How to erase Search.htheweathercenter.co?
The search engine can be erased by manually restoring or deleting the data it might have altered when it settled. No doubt, the task might appear to be a bit difficult for users with not a lot of experience in deleting browser hijackers or threats alike. If that is the case for you, we could suggest one more way to get rid of Search.htheweathercenter.co. For this, you would need to employ a legitimate antimalware tool. Once installed, it could perform a full system scan, during which users may find not just where the browser hijacker is, but also locations of other possible threats. The best part is, you could eliminate them all at the same time by just clicking the removal button.
Eliminate Search.htheweathercenter.co
Internet Explorer
- Tap Win+R.
- Insert Regedit and press OK.
- Find this specific folder: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
- Search for a value name titled Start Page.
- Right-click it and choose Modify.
- Instead of http://Search.htheweathercenter.co inset a link you prefer and click OK.
- Close Registry Editor.
Mozilla Firefox
- Click Win+E.
- Get to this particular location: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{Unique Mozilla user ID}
- Look for a file titled Prefs.js.
- Launch it with Notepad.
- Find the specific code line: user_pref(“browser.startup.homepage”, “http://Search.htheweathercenter.co”).
- Instead of http://Search.htheweathercenter.co insert a link you like.
- Save changes (Ctrl+S).
- Exit Prefs.js.
Google Chrome
- Tap Win+E.
- Find this particular location:C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
- Search for data titled Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data.
- Right-click these files one by one and tap Delete.
- Exit File Explorer.
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