What is is the kind of threat that proves how important it is to do research before installing anything. This search tool is classified as a browser hijacker, and it was developed by Polarity Technologies Ltd. to expose users to a highly questionable search engine. In fact, research team indicates that this search tool is the primary reason for deleting from all browsers. Why is that so? Because the hijacker, first of all, redirects to without authorization and, second, it shows results that might include advertisements and links to potentially unreliable sites. Yahoo has provided the creator of the hijacker with a search engine, but the company is not involved in showcasing unreliable links that Polarity Technologies Ltd. is paid to showcase, which is why Polarity is the only party you need to hold accountable. If you wish to delete right now, check out the instructions available below. If you are eager to learn more before you start the removal process, keep reading.

How does work?

Were you introduced to That is unlikely. More likely, you were introduced to an extension called “My Utility Box,” which was created by the same company. It is hard to promote hijackers, but extensions can be made to look very desirable, and since this extension promises access to allegedly beneficial utilities, it could attract some users. Despite that, it is unlikely that many would download it themselves from the Chrome web store,, or the official download source According to our research, extensions and hijackers created by the company are often distributed using malicious installers that are promoted on unreliable websites. We cannot claim that all programs bundled along with My Utility Box and are malicious, but malicious programs can hide pretty well, which is why you must be cautious. If anything was downloaded along with the hijacker, inspect it using a malware scanner. If you are warned about threats, delete them ASAP.

Calculator, Calendar, Notepad, Translator, and Currency Converter are the tools that are represented via These tools are legitimate, but they are offered via third-party sites, not directly via the hijacker, which is why My Utility Box is not considered to be useful. The thing is that this hijacker was, most likely, created simply to expose you to the search tool. As discussed already, you are redirected and shown modified results. The sponsored content could be selected according to your browsing activity that is recorded by cookies. They can record information that is not classified as personal, but the company reserves the right to record such information, and that is another reason to remove quickly. After all, you will gain nothing from using this tool, and so instead of wasting your time and, potentially, putting yourself at risk every time you launch a browser, we recommend performing removal and then setting trustworthy search tools in place.

How to delete

If you want to remove from Internet Explorer, you need to access the Control Panel of your operating system and uninstall an undesirable application that represents My Utility Box. If the hijacker has taken over Firefox or Chrome browser, you need to erase the extension from that browser. We created instructions that show how to do it manually. If more threats have invaded your operating system, you might want to erase them all simultaneously, which can be done by reliable anti-malware software. If you choose to erase all threats manually, research them thoroughly to figure out which threats require priority. In the future, if you keep your system guarded – and we recommend trusting anti-malware software to take care of that too – and research the software/extensions before installing them, you should evade the infiltration of undesirable pieces. Our last advice is that if you ever encounter an installer that pushes to change settings without a clear reason, you should not trust it.

Removal Instructions

Internet Explorer

  1. Open the Start menu and move to the Uninstall a program menu.
  2. Right-click the undesirable application and select Uninstall.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch Firefox and tap Ctrl+Shft+A keys to open the Extensions menu.
  2. Identify the undesirable extension and click the Remove button next to it.

Google Chrome

  1. Launch Chrome and enter chrome://extensions/ into the address bar.
  2. Click the trash bin icon next to the unwanted extension and then select Remove. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of*


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